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Saturday, 2 June 2012

Books Ordered in June - Offers!

Books Ordered in June

As usual I'm letting you know of books I am ordering in the course of the month. They usually take up to a month from the date of the order to reach me. Please assume that the books are used, unless I indicate otherwise. I have also given the expected price when the books reach my shelves in blue. Sometimes I can offer some of the titles at a reduced price if they are ordered and paid for within a calendar month of the date of my order. In such cases I  indicate the discounted price in red.  If the books arrive within a calendar month of the order, such offers can be withdrawn. So if you want to pre-order any of them or have any questions, do contact me at

2nd June

Rubber Imperial Institute Handbook - Harold Brown (John Murray, 1914) RM210

3rd June

My Life as a Fake - Peter Carey (Faber & Faber, 2004) (New) RM30
The Nyonya - JM Chin (Borneo Literature Bureau, 1962) RM90/RM80  

4th June

The Long The Short and The Tall - Willis Hall (Heinemann (Txt), 1965) RM60
A Dictionary of Malayan Medicine - JD Gimlette (Oxford University Press, 1939) RM300

5th June

Singular Stories: Tales from Singapore - Robert Yeo (Passeggiata Pr, 1994) RM60/RM50
The Population of Peninsular Malaysia - Saw Swee Hock (Singapore University Press 1989) RM70
Legitimacy and ethnicity;: A case study of Singapore - PA Busch (Lexington Books, 1974) RM160
Don Sturdy Captured by Head Hunters or Adrift in the Wilds of Borneo - Victor Appleton (Grosset & Dunlap, NY, 1928) RM70
Singapore Sample Household Survey, 1966, Report No. 1: Tables Relating to Population and Housing - You Poh Seng, Stephen H.K. Yeh, Ng Kim Neo & Lee Yoke San (Singapore Government, 1967) RM200/RM180

The Seen and the Unseen: Shamanism, Mediumship and Possession in Borneo  - Robert L Winzler (Borneo Research Council, 1994) RM60
The Other Empire: Literary Views of Japan from the Philippines, Singapore, and Malaysia - Ronald D Kline (University of Hawaii Press, 2009) RM80

7th June

How To Read Malay Newspaper - Tai Keun Ying (Mah Hwa Printing Co, Kuala Lumpur, 1960) RM120/RM100
The Development of Modern Malay Language & Literature - Mohd Taib Osman (Donald Moore, Singapore, 1961)   RM60

10th June

The District: A Study in Decentralization in West Malaysia - JH Beaglehole (Oxford University Press, 1976) RM100 

11th June
Confessions of A Planter in Malaya - Leopold Ainsworth (HF & G Witherby, London, 1933) SOLD Read The Penang Bookshelf Blog Review! RM830   

26th June

The Development of Singapore's Economy - Lim Tay Boh (Donald Moore Ltd, Singapore) RM60/RM50
Synthetic Rubber and Malaya - Charles Gamba (Donald Moore Ltd, Singapore) RM120/RM100 
Problems of the Malayan Economy - Lim Tay Boh (Donald Moore Ltd, Singapore) RM100/RM80
The Chinese in Modern Malaya - Victor Purcell (Donald Moore Ltd, Singapore) RM100/RM80
Labour Law in Malaya - Charles Gamba (Donald Moore Ltd, Singapore, 1956) RM100/RM80
Prehistoric Malaya - MWF Tweedie (Donald Moore Ltd, Singapore, 1957) RM60/RM50
The Fishing Industry of Singapore - TW Burdon (Donald Moore Ltd, Singapore, 1955) RM100/RM80
Trade Unionism in Malaya - Alex Josey (Donald Moore Ltd, Singapore, 1954) RM60/RM50
The Economy of Malaya - TH Silcock (Donald Moore Ltd, Singapore, 1954) RM60/RM50
A Short History of Malaya  - C. Northcote Parkinson (Donald Moore Ltd, Singapore, 1956) RM50

more to come..