The Penang Bookshelf
Antique & Vintage Fair Catalogue
From The Penang Bookshelf |
What's This About?
Onset of Old Age
preparation for my 67th birthday The Penang Bookshelf will be attending
an Antique and Vintage Fair at Suffolk House Penang on 4th & 5th
October between 10am and 4pm. Here are some examples of what will be
there. All books are rare and/or collectible. (A matter of opinion, I
suppose.) Where books are not rare, but just collectible, i.e.
interesting, they're usually offered at prices lower than any other
international bookseller. Many have not been advertised by us before.
Catalogue is tediously long, so please use the links in the contents
section as well as the links at the end of each section to navigate
of the same is on its way. While in the UK in August I managed to lay
my hands on another 300 or so books, which should start appearing soon.
Amidst the muck, there's rubber, tin & more
Microcosms of Indigenous Development: Case Studies of the Pahang Tenggara Region
Following independence various Malaysian Governments pushed for development throughout the country. Regionalplans
fed into a countrywide plan. The editor, having helped supervise the
collection of sociological data to support such a plan in the Johor
region, instituted a similar one in Pahang. The book is a collection of
field data from various researchers.
Padi Landscapes of Malaya
The two surveys arose out a response to worries
about declining padi (rice) cultivation at a time when other cash crops, such as rubber and oil palm, were becoming more attractive to
cultivators. The purpose of the studies was to determine who worked the
fields and how. Because it was felt the first report was a bit rushed, a
second more intensive survey,covering more varied rice growing areas,
was undertaken
Pulp & Paper Industry and Research in Peninsular Malaysia
The book was written more than 30 years after the Institute 
was established and is based on the results of the evaluation of more
than 200 species of trees during this period. Based on this research the
authors survey the industry, the trade and consumption of paper and
paper products and processes involved. 131 pages including several
tables and figures. The book's chapters include - Local Industry &
Products, Consumption & Demand, Methodology & Physical, Chemical
& Pulping Properties
The Arts
From Folk to Fashion
A Comprehensive History of Malaysian Art
short, but comprehensive, review of art mainly from the period after
Malaysian independence. The subject matter is limited to painting,
mainly in the Western style, although some mention is made of Chinese
style painting.
Enter My Garden
An exhibition catalogue of the artist for an exhibition in Kuala Lumpur in 1989.
Lee Cheng Yong Retrospective
this 1996 retrospective exhibition, Lee Cheng Yong was one of the
forgotten pioneers of modern Malaysian art. A Penang art teacher, his
paintings and sculpture were influenced by Chinese brush art, French
impressionism and German expressionism. He also had the distinction of
being only the second Malaysian artist to hold a solo exhibition.
Penang Artists 1920 to 1990
author, the owner of a Penang art gallery, sets out to produce an
illustrated directory of selected Penang artists during this period. The
selection was based on the artist having been born in Penang, lived on
the island for most of her/his life, regularly exhibited locally and the
artist's work being of merit in the opinion of the author and others in
the art field. The book starts with The Visual Arts of Penang: An
Overview followed by the History of the Development of Art in Penang and
then examples of each artist's work. The book is divided into two
sections on Pioneer Artists and Contemporary Artists.
The Decorated Boats of Kelantan: An Essay on Symbolism
This significant work details one aspect of the unique heritage of
Kelantan which straddles
Malay and Thai cultures, i.e. decorations applied to fishing boats in
the state. The book is illustrated throughout with detailed line
drawings of the art.
Randai Dance of Minangkabau Sumatra with Labonotation Scores
The Randai
is an originally Indonesian dramatic dance form that has spread in
Malaysia since the 1930s. The author's purpose in this work was to go
back to the roots of the dance so as to better inform Malaysian
musicians and musicologists.
Rajahs, Ruffians and Rakyat
Gawai Burong: The Chants and Celebrations of the Iban Bird Festival
Iban Bird Festival, Gawai Buring, is one of the most important in the
calendar of the Iban, the second largest indigenous group of people in
Malaysia. The author collected the details fo the ritual from two famous
Iban bards who related the details of a 1937 festival. A significant
anthropological and historical record
The Natives of Sarawak and British North Borneo
facsimile reprint of Ling Roth's classic work on the aboriginal peoples
of present day Sabah and Sarawak. An encycolpedia on every aspect of
these peoples' lives at the end of the 19th century. Copiously
illustrated with line drawings and black and white plates
North Borneo: A Report on the Census of Population Held on 4th June, 1951
1951 census report gives a comprehensive survey of the population of
North Borneo which was one of the smallest units of Commonwealth at the
time.This was the first census carried out after World War II. The
report is divided into thirteen chapters including diagrams and a
population map. All statistics were recorded in tables.
Iban Ritual Textiles
of the more comprehensive reviews of the techniques of manufacture and
names given to textiles used in Iban religious and community rituals.
The research was carried out for a total of three years at the end of
the 20th century recording many techniques and terms that are gradually
being forgotten as the use of the warp ikat dies out.
Masks of Sarawak in the Collection of the Muzium Negara Malaysia
guide to a collection which, at the time of publication, was considered
to probably be the largest of its kind. Mainly Kenyah, Kayan and Iban
masks are featured in this collection.
For the Love of Labuan
Jae Ryuk, who holds a number of prestigious awards in photography, uses
his art to describe the varied life of Labuan island in this 229-page
book. Despite the island's transformtion into Malaysia's only Offshore
International Financial Centre the book amply demonstrates much of the
island's culture and natural beauty have been preserved.
Old Kuching
updated edition, including new illustrations, of this popular
collection of pictures and anecdotes about Kuching before World War II.
Mrs Pryer in Sabah
Pryer was the wife of WB Pryer, the British North Borneo's first
resident of the East coast and widely credited for founding the modern
city of Sandakan. This book is a collection of her diary entries and
other papers which give a good reflection of life for expatriates in
such pioneering times as well as her husband's views of the Company
which were not always favourable..
Business, Economics and Labour
Mostly Figures, but Some People Too
Geology & Mineral Resources of the Kinta Valley, Perak
the time of publication the Kinta Valey was the richest tin mining are
in the world. Detailed geological mapping was required since the
Government and miners relied mainly on Scrivenor's 1927 map since when
many more mines had been opened. This 347 page work was intended to
bring Scrivenor's work up to date as well as provide far more detailed
geological information
Problems of the Malayan Economy
booklet consists of transcripts of a series of talks given on Radio
Malaya to inroduce listeners to the workings of the country's economy
and to encourage further study. Contibutors, including Ungku Abdul Aziz,
TH Silcock, Charles Gamba, the editor and others, were drawn from the
University of Malaya's staff at the time
Ethnicity and the Economy The State, Chinese Business and Multinationals in Malaysia
author sets out to discover why Malaysia was one of the economic
leaders in Asia in the 1960s but had lost out to others 20 years later.
What effects, if any, did Government intervention and internal
socio-structural arrangements have on this change?
Language & Linguistics
A Simple But Complete Grammar of the Malay Language
comprehensive, but basic grammar textbook has a English-Malay
vocabulary list, a Malay-English dictionary, three appendices of useful
notes and numerous translation exercises. A useful guide for beginner
learners of Malay.
ideal handbook for collaborating with the Japanese instead of the
British! A basic phrase book in English, Malay and Japanese with a
simple vocabulary at the end. It must have been in high demand to have
reached its fourth edition within a year of the Japanese invasion.
Back to Contents
Malay Community & Culture
Kampung & Class
Alam Pantun Melayu: Studies on the Malay Pantun
author, an experienced translator of poetry from many languages into
English and French, gives the reader an introduction to this poetic form
with examples translated by him and AW Hamilton.
A Critical Survey of Studies on Malay and Bahasa Indonesia
noted Malay language scholar attempts to list and evaluate
'publications devoted to or important for the study of Malay and Bahasa
Indonesia.' Teeuw sets out to be as complete as possible, not only
covering books dedicated to the language but also articles in
professional periodicals as well.
Malayan Fables - Ann Parkinson
These books of fables
from Raja Bongsu's Malay Annals were produced to give children in
schools something 'Malayan' to read rather than English stories which
were more standard fare at the time. The text is based on CC Brown's
translation of the Annals.
Latar Belakang Kebudayaan Pendudok2 Di Tanah Melayu - Bahagian Kebudayaan Islam
A brief account of the development of Malay culture with particular reference to Islam
Nature & Wildlife
Matahari: Impressions of the Siamese-Malayan Jungle
Matahari means 'sun' in Malay. It gives the power of growth
to the virgin forest. The author made his way through the Mediterranean
and on to India - Siamese, Chinese, Malays, Buddhism and the tropical
virgin forest are symbols of the other worlds which were key to his
young life. He provides a vivid account of his journey through the
jungle while both exposed to and shaded from the light of sun.
Bamboos of Peninsular Malaysia - KM Wong
The major reference work on this ubiquitous plant, found just about everywhere on the peninsula.
All That's Fit to Print
The Straits Times Annual for 1957
glossy celebration of Malaya's independence by the country's leading
newspaper. With numerous black and white and colour photos, 80 pages of
articles by well known writers of the time
.Malaysia - Elsewhere
The Straits Times Annual for 1963
glossy celebration of the merger of various territories that led to the
formation of Malaysia. With numerous black and white and colour photos,
80 pages of articles by well known writers of the time and 48 pages of
.Malaysia - Elsewhere
Orang Asli/Indigenous Peoples Still Hanging On...
Orang Asli Women of Malaysia : Perceptions, Situations & Aspirations
Asli (indigenous) women in Malaysia are a marginalised group within
probably the most marginalised community in the country. The authors,
anthropologists who have lived and worked with the community, are able
to give the reader glimpses of the main characteristics of the lives of
Orang Asli women in the past, in the present day and what they predict
for their future.
Interim Report on the Economic Conditions and Prospects of the Orang Asli of Southeast Pahang
the time of writing this report there were approximately 8,000 Orang
Asli (indigenous tribes people) in Southeast Pahang. The purpose of the
report was to determine how this group could be incorporated into
economic development in the state as a whole and to give a general
picture of their economy, culture and their desires and aspirations for
the future.
Keranda: Tradisi & Misteri/Cofffins: Traditions & Mysteries
beautifully illustrated exhibition catalogue, bilingual in Malay and
English, takes the reader on a tour of coffins and death rituals
principally of Malaysia, but also of some neighbouring countries as
well. The diversity of customs and beliefs of different communities is
amply illustrated by the photographs and accompanying text. The book not
only covers practices surrounding the disposal of the deceased in the
21st century, but throughout Malaysia's history.
Tradition in Tension: Carving in a Jah Hut Community
author went to live with and study a Jah Hut Orang Asli/indigenous
community for her master's thesis in the late 1970s. What she found was a
community which was trying to cope with the loss of their former forest
habitat through carving figures for tourists and other outsiders. This
occupation had started some 20 years earlier and Couillard hoped to
discover what effect this new source of income had on the lifestyle of
former hunters and gatherers

the 20th Century -
Biography & Memoirs
A Lot of Puff, But Some Interesting Stuff
The Myth of Dato' Onn Jafar: The Forgotten Hero -
An extensive biography of one of the founders of UMNO, the main representative of Malays, both leading up to and after
the independence of Malaya. Despite his early prominence in the party,
he lost support in the years after the war as he campaigned to open up
the party to non-Malays as well. He formed two other parties after
leaving UMNO in 1951, but never regained his earlier prominence and so
has been marginalised in Malaysia's early history. This book attempts to
set the record straight
Prince and Premier
Abdul Rahman's foreword
indicates that this is very definitely an authorised biography.
Nevertheless Miller didn't write a hagiography either. He sums the
country's first prime minister up as a man who succeeded because of his
honesty and common touch rather than because he could match the
intellect of his great contemporary hero, Jawaharlal Nehru. The book
also benefits from being written when the memory of the events described
are fresh.
The Prince & I
chatty reminiscences of TH Tan, one of Malaya's larger than life
characters in the middle of the 20th century. He was not only a
journalist, but also a printer who printed the Surrender Communique at
the surrender of Singapore, a politician with the Malaysian Chinese
Association as well as a confident of Tunku Abdul Rahman, the prince
referred to in the title. Rahman also managed to convert Tan to Islam
Memoir Khatijah Sidek: Puteri Kesateria Bangsa -
The autobiography of one of the key women in the Malay
nationalist movement leading up to independence. Her insistence on the
importance of women's rights within UMNO led to her expulsion from the
party in 1953
Tan Sri Ahmad Noordin: Kampung Boy to Auditor General
authorised biography of one of Malaysia's early rising stars in the
civil service. While serving under Mahathir Mohamad he gained a
reputation for sticking to ethical principles when reviewing Government
From Village Boy to Mr Opposition: An Autobiography
another rags to fame story. Sometimes one wishes for a little more
originality when choosing a title for a biography. Tan was another of
the forgotten independence period politicians whose efforts have largely
been sidelined in the more racially motivated forces that took a more
central role in Malaysian politics. He played a central role in the
Labour Party of Malaya which did not fare too well at elections, but did
become a member of the Socialist International
Tan Cheng Lock: The Straits Legislator and Chinese Leader
Tan was
one of principal leaders of the Chinese community in Malaya in between
the two world wars. This book, claiming to be an objective account,
looks at his public life in the period between 1923 and 1935 when his
contributions were significant in shaping the future of a multiracial
Musings of J.S.M.R. Mostly Malayan
Rennie, who had been in
Singapore since 1900, was one of the island's foremost accountants and
pioneers. In his spare time he contributed his column of 'Musings' to
the Singapore Free Press. This is a collection of those articles with
evocative titles such as 'A Malacca Soliloquy, ' 'The Passing of the
Towkay, ' and 'Lagi Satu Tanjong.'
This work is the first full
biography of one of the architects of the expansionist phase of British
influence and control over the Malayan peninsula. For this Swettenham
was rewarded with his appointment as the first Resident General of the
Federated Malay States in 1971. He ended the Malayan part of his career
more than 30 years later as Governor and Commander in Chief of the
Straits Settlements. Although the author displays paintaking scholarship
based on his thorough research of original papers, he has also produced
a readable study of his fascinating subject.
Syers and the Selangor Police 1875-1897
This monograph from the
Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society is a brief sketch of the
significant contribution made by Syers to the foundation of the Selangor
Police before being promoted to Commissioner of Police, Federated Malay
States in 1896.
Diversion in Malaya: An Incidental Account of Five Years' Residence in the Federated Malay States, 1937-1942
The memoirs of a British
teacher appointed as science master to Anderson school in Ipoh, at the
time the largest educational establishment in Perak. Although the period
covered runs up to the Japanese invasion of Malaysia and he gives his
account of the days before he was taken prisoner of war, these memoirs
are mainly an account an enjoyable life before the misery of internment.
A Political Profile: Dr Lim Chong Eu

Lim Chong Eu, the second
chief minister of Penang, in his twenty odd years in power is widely
credited with having transformed the island from a sleep trading city
into an economic powerhouse. The author, a journalist, assesses his life
on the eve of Lim's retirement from politics in 1990
The Eye Over The Golden Sands
This is the beginning of the biography of Lim Kean Siew a noted This is the beginning of the biography of Lim Kean Siew a noted lawyer and politician in
in Malaysia in the post war
years. In verse and prose he leads us through his family origins and
his early life until the onset of World War II.
Scribblings at Random 
The author's on the random musings about life in Penang.
Chinese Community and Culture
Kiasu & Culture
Chinese Minority in a Malay State
This is a timely study of a Chinese community which has not 
had too much attention in the past, both the 'pure' Chinese and the
Peranakan, or mixed, Chinese minorities in a state dominated politically
by an ethnocentric Malay political party, PAS. The author divides his
work into three parts 1 - History of Settlement and Society, 2 -
Peranakan-Type Chinese in Tirok and 3 - Ethnic Relations
Ethnic Chinese in Singapore and Malaysia A Dialogue Between Tradition and Modernity
A collection of articles based on papers presented at the 2001 international conference on 'Ethnic Chinese in 
Singapore and Malaysia A Dialogue Between Tradition and Modernity'. A
wide range of academics from Asia, Australia and Canada sought to
examine the process of change in Chinese society and look at how
tradition and modernity both complement and clash with each other.
Stories of the Chinese Overseas
This beautiful book, bilingual in Chinese and English, is quite an achievement as it manages to evoke the histories of the 
Chinese who migrated to various places in the East, West and South
without a single colour photograph. Instead through grainy, but vibrant,
black and white and toned photographs, snippets of experiences of
migrants, poetry and brief backgrounds of the Chinese in each country,
the book manages to evoke something of what life must have been like for
these pioneers. The author is a well known Singaporean novelist who
uses her talents to revitalise their history.
Kecantikan : Bengkung Kaki -The Allure of the Bound Foot
For over a thousand years, foot binding (three-inch golden 
lotus) was practised by women in China as part of a culture associated
with rites, music and civilised institutions and as an ornament of the
body. This practice was once considered as an attractive way to exhibit
beauty. The book provides us with a deeper understanding of the
cultural, historical and socio-political motives behind this practice
Closer to Reality than You Might Imagine
In a Corner of Asia - Hugh Clifford
A collection of short stories written by the author, a British colonial officer, illustrating a way of Malayan life that he saw fast disappearing. Written between 1896 and 1899.
Sepia - Owen Rutter
This 320 page novel is
one of the first, if not the first, to be published in English about
Borneo. It's a story about a newly arrived British government officer's
experiences and his struggles to find a woman to love. The book was
subsequently published under the title "Passion Fruit." Rutter was a
civil servant employed in British North Borneo and wrote several
non-fiction works about Government and the people of what is now Sabah.
The Fountain of Youth - Erasmus Dawson
could be described as an early work of science fiction, a tale of
adventures in Borneo, where Dawson and his companions set out supposedly
to find the revitalising spring that is the fountain of youth of the
title. However the main purpose is to find a special metal, unknown
elsewhere, invented by Hindu giants. A good example of a 19th century
'lost world' tale, somewhat in the style of Rider Haggard, and described
by a reviewer of the time as ' thoroughly bright and amusing.'
Ahad - Zakariah bin Salleh
A story that was published after winning a national prize. by Hindu giants.
Pangkor to World War II
Meddlers and Marauders
Malay Land "Tanah Melayu"
This work is a classic review of the day to day lifepeople
of Malaya at the beginning of the 20th century. As the author says in
his preface, the book's not about tin or 'notables' such as sultans and
British colonial servants. It's more just about the life that supports
them, though they may not know it!.
Political and Statistical Account of the British Settlements In the Straits of Malacca
published in 1839, the book was not well received by the English press
who were a bit peeved that the Straits Settlements were dispatched in a
few pages. Despite the title, the main part of the book is an account of
the Malay States from a sympathetic point of view. Newbold travelled
the penisula widely which enabled him to cover history, politics,
commerce, geology, linguistics, botany, anthropology and the law in some
detail. 2 volumes
British Empire Exhibition: Malaya Pavilion
A lovely guide to the
Malaya Section of the 1924 British Empire Exhibition held at Wembley in
1924 and 1925. With sections on the various states, industry, art and
culture. With several black and white photographs and accompanying text,
advertisementsand a bibliography of 'modern books' the country and on
the Malay language
Rulers and Residents: Influence and Power in the Malay States 1870-1920
This book essentially
covers the transformation of Malaya from a group of sultanates into a
British colony through examining the relationship between the sultans
and their new masters. Although in many ways rulers' powers were more
circumscribed, Gullick argues that the sultans also acquired new roles
which enabled them to last until the present day unlike their colleagues
in neighbouring Indonesia.

The Rest of 20th Century
From Battles in the Jungle to Rumbles on the Hustings
In Pursuit of Mountain Rats: The Communist Insurrection in Malaya -
This book remains a classic on the
1948-60 communist insurrection in Malaya. The author's unrestricted
access to Malayan Government confidential and secret papers, without
similar access to Communist sources, obviously influences his viewpoint
to a great extent. Nevertheless the book is a thorough a record of the
events and has influenced the conduct of counter insurgency warfare
Dialogues With Chin Peng New Light On The Malayan Communist Party -
Chin Peng, decorated as a resistance fighter against the Japanese in Malaya and condemned for his later role in 
leading the Communist guerilla assault on, first, British, and, then,
Malayan Government rule, obviously had a mixed reputation. This book is a
record of the fascinating encounter in 1999 between Chin Peng and a
group of prominent academics who had studied the party and police and
military personnel who had confronted Chin Peng and his followers in the
jungle. The aim of the two day workshop was to try and improve the
objectivity in writing this important part of Malaysian history
Malayan Federalism 1945-1963 -
Upon resumption of colonial rule in Malaya after the World War the
British decided to
'rationalise' the various pre-war systems of government in the country
into something more centralised. Their efforts were not always
enthusiastically received. This book charts the progress or not of such
schemes which eventually led to the formation of Malaysia in 1963
Malaysia - Elsewhere
Meet You in Malaya - Katherine Sim
A short atrractive brochure introducing the tourist to post World War II
Malaysia with sections on Penang (4 pages), Malacca & Selangor (2
pages each), Kedah & Perlis, Perak, Hill Stations, Johore, Negri
Sembilan,The Islands & The East Coast (1 page each). Each page has
at least one couloured sketch by the well known artist.
Malaysia - Elsewhere
Forces and Families Holiday Guide to The Federation of Malaysia and Other Places of Interest in South East Asia
A delightful and
comprehensive guide to places to go for British forces stationed n
Southeast Asia in the 1960s. About two thirds of the book is devoted to
Malaysia and Singapore and the rest to other countries in Southeast Asia
with numerous maps, line drawings and advertisements. Lots of dated
references, e.g. on Langkawi - 'surprisingly it has sufficient modern
amenities to ensure the comfort of a reasonable traveller.'
Penang Sketchbook
Through both evocative
watercolours and line drawings on every page Chin Kon Yit works a
marvellous partnership with the author Chen Voon Fee to bring to life
both the architectural heritage and the current street life of the rich
blend of Chinese, European, Indian and Malay cultures which nurture the
roots of Malaysia's second city.
Hail Penang!
first edition is now becoming quite rare. The book is virtually unique
amongst memoirs of British colonial life in Penang in the
1920s. What makes the book stand out is not only Bilainkin's lively
journalist's skills, but also his particular vantage point. He was not a
British Government officer, planter or other business man, but employed
by the Chinese owned Straits Echo as their editor. Therefore although
part of the colonial community of Penang, Bilainkin probably asked more
questions and was more observant of what lay under the veneer of
colonialism than most of his compatriots.
Ma Lai Xi Ya Bin Cheng Wang Shi Tai Yuan Tang Qing Shu Bai Zhou Nian Ji Nian De Kan (Penang Ong Kongsi Commeemoration Volume)
An account of the Ong Kongsi in Penang and its notable members
About The Penang Bookshelf
Category Pages - Asian Fiction, Asian History, Asian Religions, Borneo Chinese Ceramics Malaysian Architecture Malaysian Agriculture Malaysian Arts and Culture Malaysia: Cartoons, Malaysian Chinese Community Malaysian Cooking and Food Malaysia: Colonial Biography, Malaysia: Modern Biography, Malaysia - Fiction Malaysia: Journalism, Malaysia: Language & Linguistics, Malaysia: Literature, Malaysia: Malay Community Malaysia & Singapore: 19th Century History, Malaysia: Post-Independence History, Malaysia: Miscellaneous, Malaysian Nature and Wildlife Orang Asli (Indigenous People) Malaysian Poetry Malaysian Politics Malaysia: Religion Malaysia & Singapore: World War II Perak Singapore: Anthropology & Sociology Singapore Fiction
Email: penangbookshelf@gmail.com Telephone: +60-12-972-6485
Business Address: Aquarius, 4-8-8 Jalan Low Yat,
Batu Ferringhi, 11100, Penang. (The Penang Bookshelf's entire inventory
is available for browsing. Please call to fix an appointment.)
Mailing Address: 36, Cheeseman Road, 11600 Penang, Malaysia Registered Business No: PG0282219-D