Blog Archive

Wednesday 28 November 2012

A Wordy Newsletter

The Penang Bookshelf
A Wordy Newsletter
(Sorry. Not a worthy one) 

From The Penang Bookshelf
Dear Friend

Drones Over Penang?  
No, this isn't a reference to the collection of eminent literary characters who have just added (?) a bit of academic and literary class to the island as they graced The George Town Literary Festival this last weekend. It's just I have an uncanny feeling these newsletters, when they do manage to appear, are being monitored.
In the last newsletter I made an unguarded reference to my juvenile efforts at upsetting US imperialism in the late 60s. Then within days of the newsletter being published The Penang Bookshelf was targeted with a book order from a well known branch of the US Government. Just trying to accurately pinpoint me before they strike, perhaps. What did they order? Urbanization in Southeast Asia: Issues and Impacts. Best to avoid open spaces for now.

Glitterati or Literati?

I don't care much. The only thing I remember in the whirl was that it was the first time I had ever returned from a sales event with empty boxes. Not one, but nearly three of them. One of them was full of Tan Twan Eng's two novels. There are only two copies, both signed, of The Garden of Evening Mists left before I re-stock. Thanks very much to The Penang Bookshelf's customers, new and old.

I do think the organisers need a decent bit of praise for managing to convince whoever needed convincing to run the festival again this year after its inauguration last year. Also a big thanks to the China House team whose support was impeccable. I won't distract you by gabbling on about who attended. More importantly, for those of you who couldn't attend, The Penang Bookshelf has been deluged with a whole load of books on wordy subjects that it doesn't normally carry. The full list is in the November Arrivals post on The Penang Bookshelf Blog. There's some non-Malaysian/Asian literary stuff as well, mainly from the Yale University Press. If any of it's of interest, snap it up quickly because if the non-Asian titles aren't sold by the end fo the year, they'll be trotting their way back to the distributors.

Bo Tak Tui Lai (The Baldies are Back) 

My paranoic tendencies have been given full vent this month. First the US Government and now, for the second month running I been bludgeoned into teaming up with a hunky bald author who's going to put me to shame. This piece of man flesh is Tim Hannigan who is descending on Penang to promote his latest book Raffles and The British Invasion of Java. Now Raffles did have more hair than Tim and I ever had. Or has he carefully arranged his hair so as to hide a his own desert on his dome? I must ask Tim when I, you and others less folically challenged meet up with him at 9.30am on Monday 12th December at 7 Terraces, Lorong Stewart, Penang. The Penang Bookshelf will be on hand to sell the book for RM35 instead of the retail price of RM39,90. Just think, if you buy the book together with another full priced book from Monsoon Books , you can get it for just RM30. An email to should secure you a place. If you don't live in Penang and still want to take advantage of the offer, I'll grudgingly hold it open until I go until I go to bed on 12th December. If you do live in Penang, want the book at this ridiculous price and won't come to the talk, I'll need a doctor's certificate.

The Penang Bookshelf will also be selling Tim Hannigan's book at Spiral Synergy's Super Stylish Shopping event at the Rasa Sayang Hotel, Batu Ferringhi on Saturday 1st December.

Spare A Thought For The Aussies

On 30th May 2010 when The Penang Bookshelf put out its stall for business for the first time at Little Penang Street Market, its first customer was an Australian. She went on to
When Asia Was The World.
become our first internet customer as well. Since then The Penang Bookshelf has built up a clientele of whom about 20% live in Australia. After flinging  the last newsletter at you I went on a brief flit to Sydney, my first visit to the country. What staggered me most was how cut off from Asia the country appeared to be. Scouting for books on Asia in second-hand bookshops proved to be fairly fruitless. This may explain The Penang Bookshelf's large Australian client base. The miserable unfortunates are starved of books about Asia! In sympathy with their plight from now onwards orders over 2kg will be post free surface mail to the whole of East Asia, Southeast Asia and Oceania. That includes the deprived in Australia as well.

Welcome to the ChaosAlthough I have now abandoned lounging about in cosy shops on the high street, I do still welcome brave visitors to my chaotic hideout in Batu Ferringhi (address below). I don't carry personal injury insurance so if you trip up over a book or are hit by one as I drive home the finer points of my pricing policy, it's your look out. However some do survive to tell the tale.  I survive as long as I remember these principles.

Thanks for reading this far,
William Knox
The Penang Bookshelf     

News Snippets 

Welcome Aboard, Mitt! 

While the world heaved a collective sigh of relief over Romney's defeat in the recent US elections the Penang Bookshelf moved swiftly to add him to the payroll . He's teaching us how to 'recalibrate our emergent marketing platform to support a wider spread of asset classes.' Zzzzz...  What was that you were  saying, Mitt? Sorry my mind was wandering 47% of the time.  

After The Penang Bookshelf's link up with Gerakbudaya which is producing sales for us both already, he's dragging us screaming into further  
Mitt's Favourite Reading at the moment
Communalism and the Political Process 
 linkups or is it leverages? Help me, Mitt! The upshot seems to be that The Penang Bookshelf's in talks with both an antiquarian bookseller in KL and  a leading UK postal historian of World War II in Asia to feature their stock.. The latter is based in a Hertfordshire village which is still suffering from the after effects of me trying to practice law there in the  1980s. Isn't that enough to be going on with, Mitt? No, apparently not. A Singapore academic and an English widow of a former  Malaysia resident are offering The Penang Bookshelf their libraries as well.

How does The Penang Bookshelf afford Mitt's fees? Good question. We contract him out to pedal his 20 minute intensive course, popular with politicians the world over - "Romnesia, Truly Easier."  

A Bit of Feedback Please

The award winning postal historian, David Tett, whose research library The Penang Bookshelf will be helping to shift, has one of the better collections of books on World War II in Asia. It's so extensive that we can't put it all up immeadiately. We'll be starting with a selection of  about 50 books. If you're interested in this period of history, do let me know if there are any particular books or areas of interest that you would like The Penang Bookshelf to feature. Of course if you're feeling sorry for David and want to save him having to pay commission to The Penag Bookshelf, you can always buy the books off him first.

The Penang Sketchbook Has Given Birth!

Editions Didier Millet (EDM),  yet caved into my moans about their failure to reprint The Penang Sketchbook, which has been incessantly, but deservedly, overplugged in newsletters of the past. (Now it's just overpriced at The Penang Bookshelf.) However EDM have thought up of  a new way of milking cash from the title. They've just published a pocket sized Penang Notebook with lots of space in which to note your next purchases from The Penang Bookshelf. There are quite a few pages of pics from the original book as well.  It's selling at some horrendous price like RM37 in bookshops, but at RM35 at The Penang Bookshelf or RM30, if you buy it with another full priced book.  As if that's not enough, they've produced a Malaysia Notebook as well. Same offer applies. 

Wuh Lien-Teh Collection Expanded 

In the last newsletter you had to put up with news of a couple of more than usually venerable tomes which were ready for plucking from The Penang Bookshelf. The Jawi Arabic dictionary is just about to leap into the hands of a happy new owner, I hope!  

Meanwhile scrabbling about in a few boxes has unearthed more books by or about the late great doctor.  In fact, this seems to be the most viewed post on The Penang Bookshelf Blog at the moment.  

Lazy Authors 

The Penang Bookshelf has all sorts of scum and other riff-raff amongst it's customers. They include authors, publishers and, most importantly, readers. A couple of authors have turned to The Penang Bookshelf recently for help in research for books that are in the making. One of them, a novelist, needs to recreate Tanjung Tokong in the late 70s and early 80s. The other, wants photos of North Borneo/Sabah before World War II for his forthcoming comprehensive book on photography of the period . The trouble is most of the photos aren't terribly lively. Maybe it was a dour time. If you can help him liven up his collection, he'd be very grateful. As usual there's more about it on The Penang Bookshelf Blog 

Germans Want More Malay Literature  

A good customer of The Penang Bookshelf has recently  landed up in Germany and has wasted
Lousy pic, but that's all yer getting.
no time in telling his new hosts how much they're missing by not having more Malay literature to read in German. He's even discovered that some benevolent soul has engineered it so that the German Government have a pot of euros - grab now before they disappear - to fund translations from Malay into German. So if you know of a publisher who publishes Malay books that could spice up the German literary scene, do let me know.

Another of Mitt's Gaffes?

Mitt does drone on about platforms. (Maybe KTM Berhad, Malaysian Railways, is Bain Capital's next target) So The Penang Bookshelf has succumbed to listing a growing part of its stock on Abebooks. Of course their heavy fees and commission ensure that the books featured are cheaper elsewhere. Let's see if it's worth it, but The Penang Bookshelf has already sold a book there - at a loss. Mitt, some re-calibration, please!
Odd LinksOne for dog lovers and another for the rest of this newsletter's readership. Something for everyone. I do hope you feel the same about The Penang Bookshelf's inventory. If any'thing's missing, do let me know. 

About The Penang Bookshelf
The Penang Bookshelf specialises in providing book lovers with a broad range of new and second-hand books, both fiction and non-fiction, primarily about Malaysia, but also about other parts of Asia as well. 

Independent Online Booksellers Association, Professional Member.

Also at: ,Ebay and at IOBAbooks
Category Pages - Asian Fiction,      Asian History,     Asian ReligionsBorneo  Chinese Ceramics   Malaysian Architecture  Malaysian Agriculture   Malaysian Arts and Culture  Malaysia: CartoonsMalaysian Chinese Community  Malaysian Cooking and Food Malaysia: Colonial Biography,     Malaysia: Modern Biography,   Malaysia - Fiction  Malaysia: Journalism,    Malaysia: Language & Linguistics,     Malaysia: Literature, Malaysia: Malay Community   Malaysia & Singapore: 19th Century History,   Malaysia: Post-Independence HistoryMalaysia: Miscellaneous, Malaysian Nature and Wildlife    Orang Asli (Indigenous People)    Malaysian Poetry  Malaysian Politics  Malaysia: Religion   Malaysia & Singapore: World War II  Perak    Singapore: Anthropology & Sociology     Singapore Fiction


Telephone: +60-12-972-6485 
Business Address:  Aquarius, 4-8-8 Jalan Low Yat, Batu Ferringhi, 11100, Penang. (The Penang Bookshelf's entire inventory is available for browsing. Please call to fix an appointment.)  
Mailing Address: 36, Cheeseman Road, 11600 Penang, Malaysia

Registered Business No: PG0282219-D

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The Penang Bookshelf | 36 Cheeseman Road | Penang | 11600 | Malaysia

Monday 26 November 2012

Help! Photos of Pre-1942 Sabah Needed!

Looking for Fun Photos!
North Borneo

The Penang Bookshelf not only counts readers amongst its customers and followers, but authors as well. One of them has asked for a bit of help with his next book. What’s it about? Photography in North Borneo before World War II. A bit of a musty subject, you may think. All those grainy black and white pictures of forgotten people and places who’ve changed.

Well it doesn’t have to be so. The author has just completed a book on the work of Funk & Sons, a photographic studio in Sandakan before World War II. The book’s due to be published later this year and will be available at The Penang Bookshelf. Funk was a master at producing photographs  that still inspire. The next book will take in a broader range of photographers operating in the area which is now Sabah. They had studios in Jessleton (now Kota Kinabalu), Sandakan and elsewhere The author has a good collection of photos for this second book, but he’s looking for more.

He’s particularly looking lively  photographs that aren't quite as sedate as these two examples. He's looking for something with movement, particularly with people as subjects. They could be post cards in collections or in family photo albums. Do you think you could help? If so please contact The Penang Bookshelf

Friday 2 November 2012

New Arrivals in November - Offers!

New Arrivals in November
As of 30th November 2012

Listed below are books which have arrived at The Penang Bookshelf recently.  (All prices are post free within Malaysia. Books are also sent post free to Singapore when part of an order in excess of 2 kilos. Otherwise please ask for a quote for postage.)

Prices are shown in Malaysian Ringgit in blue. Sometimes The Penang Bookshelf can offer some of the titles at a reduced price if they are ordered and paid for while they remain on the list. (If they disappear, it's because the book is now advertised generally on The Penang Bookshelf's websites.)  In such cases the discounted price is indiciated in red.  Books sold will be so marked. So if you want to order any of them or want further details of any of the books before you make up your mind, do contact me at

Books whose titles are in bold are already on the main Penang Bookshelf website. In such cases please click on the title to be taken to the relevant page of the website for more details.

We're also experimenting with a new scheme - Buy From The Blog. You can buy any item on The Penang Bookshelf Blog by sending us an email with your name and address and naming the books you want. You'll get a quick reply with The Penang Bookshelf's bank details to enable you to complete the transaction. If you wish to pay by PayPal or by card, just email us with details of the books you want and we'll send you a PayPal invoice to enable you to pay.

The books are all used unless indicated otherwise. Abbreviations used are A = Acceptable, DJ = Dust Jacket, EL = Ex-library, F = Fine/AsNew, G = Good,  HB = Hardback, LB = Leatherbound, N = New, NF = Near Fine, PB = Paperback, SG = Author Signed Copy and VG = Very Good

  • A Dictionary of Malayan Medicine - John D Gimlette & HW Thomson (Oxford University Press, 1939) VG HB DJ RM700 SOLD
  • A Geography of Heritage: Power, Culture & Economy - Brian Graham & Others (Arnold Publishers, 2000/2 ISBN: 9780340677780)  N PB RM70
  • A History of Classical Malay Literature - Richard Winstedt (Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1961) VG HB RM200
  • A Linguistic Primer for Malaysians - Loga Mahesan Baskaran  (Univeristy of Malaya Press, 2005 ISBN: 9789831003077) N PB RM30
  • A Malaysian English Primer: Aspects of Malaysian English Features - Loga Mahesan Baskaran (Univeristy of Malaya Press, 2005 ISBN: 9789831003084) N PB RM30
  • An Inordinate Fondness for Beetles (Campfire Conversations with Alfred Russel Wallace on People and Nature Based on Common Travel in the Malay Archipelago) - Paul Sochaczewski (Editions Didier Millet, Singapore ISBN: 9789814385206) N PB  RM50/RM40
  • Archaeology in Sarawak - Cheng Te-K'Un (Heffer and Sons, 1969) VG HB DJ RM100/RM90
  • Archibald and the Blue Blood Conspiracy - Shermay Loh (Epigram, 2011) N PB RM30
  • Blindly - Claudio Magris (Yale University Press, 2012) N PB RM60
  • British Colonial Rule and the Resistance of the Malay Peasantry, 1900 - 1957  - D.M. Nonini (Yale University Press, 1992) F PB RM100
  • Absent History: The Untold Story of Special Operations in Singapore, 1915-1942 - Ban Kah Choon (Horizon Books, Singapore, 2002 ISBN: 9789810447885)VG PB RM250
  • Between Tongues: Translation and/of/in Performance in Asia - Jennifer Lindsay (ed) (National University of Singapore Press, 2006 ISBN: 9789971693398) N PB RM100 
  • Bilingualism: Its Relationship with Intelligence and Academic Achievement - Nor Azmi Mostafa (University of Malaya Press, 2004 ISBN: 9789831001837) N PB RM30
  • British Settlements in The Straits of Malacca (Two Volumes) - TJ Newbold (Oxford University Press, 1971 Facsimile reprint of 1839 edition) VG HB DJ  RM450
  • Chinese Epigraphic Materials in Malaysia (3 vols) - Wolfgang Franke & Chen Tieh Fan (University of Malaya Press, 1982, 1985 & 1987) VG PB RM300/RM250
  • Chinese Loan-Words in Malay and Indonesian: A Bakcground Study - Russell Jones (University of Malaya Press, 2009 ISBN: 9789831000749) (CD included) N PB RM70
  • Compulsory Happiness - Norman Manea  (Yale University Press, 2012) N PB RM60
  • Cousin June - Zheng Shuying (SNP International Publishing, 2004 ISBN: 9789812480217) N PB RM30  
  • Critical Voices from Malaysia: Perspectives on English Literature - Agnes Yeow  & Others (Univeristy of Malaya Press, 2006 ISBN: 9789831003241) N PB RM30
  • Diary - Witold Gombrowicz (Yale University Press, 2012) N PB RM80 SOLD
  • Eight Plays - Ovida Yu (Epigram, 2011) N PB RM70
  • English as a Lingua Franca in Asean: A Multilingual Model - Andy Kirkpatrick (National University of Singapore Press, 2010 ISBN: 9789971695422) N PB RM80
  • English in A Globalised Environment: Investigating an Emerging Variety of English -   Zuraidah Mohd Don (ed) (University of Malaya Press, 2006 ISBN: 9789831003824) N PB RM40
  • English in Multicultural Malaysia: Pedagogy and Applied Research - Zuraidah Mohd Don (ed) (University of Malaya Press, 2012 ISBN: 9789831005361) N PB RM30
  • English in Singapore: Modernity and Management - Lisa Lim & Others (eds)  (National University of Singapore Press, 2010 ISBN: 9789971695361) N PB RM80
  • English in Southeast Asia: Prospects, Perspectives and Possibilities - Azirah Hashim & Norizah Hassan (eds) (University of Malaya Press, 2006 ISBN: 9789831003190) N PB RM40
  • Everything But The Brain: A Play - Jean Tay (Epigram, 2010) N PB RM40
  • Fridays with Philip - Philip Lee (Epigram, 2008) N PB RM30
  • Four Plays -  Chong Tze Chien (Epigram, 2011) N PB RM60
  • Glass Cathedral -  Andrew Koh (Epigram, 2011) N PB RM50
  • I To Myself: An Annotated Selection from the Journal of Henry D. Thoreau - Jeffrey S Cramer (ed) (Yale University Press, 2012) N PB RM90
  • In the Company of Women: Selected Plays - Verena Tay (SNP International Publishing, 2004 ISBN: 9789812480781) N PB RM40  


  • If We Dream Too Long - Goh Poh Seng (National University of Singapore Press, 2010 ISBN: 9789971694456) N PB RM50 
  • Indians in Malaysia and Singapore - Sinnappah Arasaratnam (Oxford University Press, Kuala Lumpur, 1980 ISBN 19218184X) EL PB G RM150 
  • Intimating the Sacred: Religion in English Language Malaysian Fiction - Andrew Hock Soon Ng  (National University of Singapore Press, 2011 ISBN: 9789971695972) N PB RM60
  • John Keats - Nicholas Roe (Yale University Press) N HB DJ RM130
  • Jungle Nemesis: A Factual Story of the Japanese Invasion of Malaya - Peter Baillie (Edwin Self) G PB RM100
  • Kamus A Aden A Tuladan Ian Kamus Bergambar: Iranun-Bahasa Malaysia-English - Jim & Karla Smith (Sabah Museum, Kota Kinabalu, 2005 ISBN: 976-9638-25-4) VG PB RM100/RM80
  • Kamus Akay Gambar/Kamus Bergambar/Picture Dictionary - Begak-Bahasa Malaysia-English -  (Jabatan Muzium Sabah, 1998. ISBN: 983-9638-18-1) NF PB RM60
  • Language Testing: The Construction and Validation - Hassan Basri Awang Mat Dahan (University of Malaya Press, 2012 ISBN:9789831005460) N PB RM60
  • Learn to Speak Bukan Murut - Akira Doi & Keiko Doi  (Sabah Museum, Kota Kinabalu, 2005 ISBN: 983-9638-23-8) NF PB RM120/RM100
  • Linguistic Journey of a Bilingual Child - Kuang Ching Hei (University of Malaya Press, 2010 ISBN:9789831005330) N PB RM50
  • Love and the Law in Cervantes - Roberto Gonzalez Echevarria (Yale University Press, 2012) N PB RM100
  • Malay Myths and Legends - Jan Knappert (Heinemann, Kuala Lumpur, 1980) EL VG PB RM160/RM140 
  • Malay Pantuns - AW Hamilton (Australasian Publishing Co, 1944) VG HB RM110
  • Malaya - Victor Purcell ( Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1948) G HB DJ RM60
  • Malaya: Communist or Free? - Victor Purcell (Stanford University Press, 1954) VG HB DJ RM60
  • Malayan Botany - Anne Johnson (Eastern Universities Press Ltd, Singapore, 1965) G HB
  • Malayan Federalism, 1945-1963: A Study of Federal Problems in a Plural Society - B. Simandjuntak (Oxford University Press, 1969) RM100
  • Malaysia Bagus -  Sharon Cheah (Epigram, 2012) N PB RM50
  • Malaysian Historical Sources: A Series of Essays on Historical Material Mainly in Malaysia on Malaysia - KG Tregonning (ed) (University of Singapore, 1962) EL G HB RM120
  • Malaysian Tamil Novels After Independence - Sababathy Venugopal (University of Malaya Press, 1996 ISBN:9789831000014) N PB RM50
  • Malaysian Tamil Novels Before Independence - Sababathy Venugopal (University of Malaya Press, 1999 ISBN:9789831000717) N PB RM40
  • Mandarin Spread in Malaysia - Wang Xiaomei (University of Malaya Press, 2012 ISBN:9789831005552) N PB RM50
  • Menelusuri Peristilahan Bahasa Melayu - Puteri Roslina Abdul Wahid (University of Malaya Press, 2012 ISBN:9789831005279) N PB RM50
  • Modernist America: Art, Music, Movies & The Globalization of American Culture - Richard Pells (Yale University Press, 2011.) N PB RM90
  • New Light Shine - Shannon Murdoch (Yale University Press, 2012.)  RM70
  • My Dear Governess: The Letters of Edith Wharton to Anna Bahlmann -  Irene Goldman-Price (ed) (Yale University Press, 2012) N HB DJ RM120
  • Natives of Sarawak: Survival in Borneo's Vanishing Forests - Evelyn Hong (Institut Masyarakat, 1987) G PB RM60
  • Monsoon History: Selected Poems - Shirley Geok-lin Lim (Skoob Books, 1994) NF PB RM30
  • Novel-novel  Anwar Ridhwan - Hajijah Jais (University of Malaya Press, 2006 ISBN:9789831003633) N PB RM30
  • Old Kuala Lumpur - JM Gullick (Oxford University Press, 1994) NF PB RM90
  • Only a Sandpiper: Appreciating Classical Chinese Poetry - Li Lien Fung (SNP International, 2003) N PB RM60
  • Panorama Bahasa Melayu Sepanjang Zaman - Nik Safiah Karim (University of Malaya Press, 2010 ISBN:9789831005002) N PB RM50
  • Pemikiran Politik dalam Novel Ahmad Boestamann - Zabidin Haji Ismail (University of Malaya Press, 2012 ISBN:9789831004395) N PB RM40
  • Peradaban dan Perkauman di Malaysia: Hubungan Etnik Melayu-Cina - Wan Norhasinah Wan Husin (University of Malaya Press, 2012 ISBN:9789831005491) N PB RM70
  • Persoalan Dendam dalam Sastera Melayu - Amida Abdulhamid (University of Malaya Press, 2004 ISBN:9789831002308) N PB RM30
  • Politik dalam Novel - Jeniri Amir (University of Malaya Press, 2005 ISBN:9789831002926) N PB RM30
  • Prince and Premier: A Biography of Tunku Abdul Rahman - Harry Miller (George Harrap & Co, 1959) EL VG HB DJ RM100
  • Promiscuous: Portnoy's Complaint and Our Doomed Pursuit of Happiness -  Bernard Avishai (Yale University Press, 2012) N HB DJ RM100
  • Raffles and the Golden Opportunity - Victoria Glendinning (Profile Books, 2012 ISBN:9781781250259) N PB RM60
  • Rajahs and Rebels: The Ibans of Sarawak under Brooke Rule, 1841-1941 - Robert Pringle ( Cornell University Press, 1970) EL VG HB RM100
  • Randai Dance of Minangkabau Sumatra with Labanotation Scores - Mohd Anis Md Nor (University of Malaya Press, 1986 ISBN:9679940136) G HB RM150/RM130
  • Reclaiming Adat: Contemporary Malaysian Film and Literature - KhooGaik Cheng (National University of Singapore Press, 2006 ISBN: 9789971693381) N PB RM40 
  • Reduplicating Nouns and Verbs in Malay: A Conceptual Analysis - Jyh Wee Sew  (University of Malaya Press, 2007 ISBN:9789831004456) N PB RM50
  • Ricky Star - Lim Thean Soo (Epigram 2012) RM50
  • Sabah: A General Geography - Godfrey A Chatfield (Eastern Universities Press, 1972) G PB RM60 
  • Sastera Baru Indonesia - A.Teeuw (University of Malaya Press, 1986 ) VG PB RM150/RM130

  • Scorpion Orchid - Lloyd Fernando (Epigram Books, Singapore, 2011 ISBN: 9789810899332) N PB RM50 
  • Sejarah Kerajaan Perlis, 1841-1957 - Julie Tang Su Chin (Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society) N HB RM60
  • Sejarah Kritikan Puisi Melayu Moden 1949-1979 - Mohamad Mokhtar Hassan (University of Malaya Press, 1995 ISBN:9789679940848) F PB RM40
  • Singapore Classics Box Set - Andrew Koh's 'Glass Cathedral, Lloyd Fernando's 'Scorpion Orchid, Robert Yeo's 'The Adventures of Holden Heng', Goh Poh Seng's 'The Immolation' and Stella Kon's 'The Scholar and The Dragon' (Epigram Books) N PB RM200
  • Six Plays - Tan Tarn How (Epigram, 2011) N PB RM70
  • Slow Lightning - Eduardo Corral (Yale University Press, 2012) N PB RM70
  • Spider Boys - Ming Cher (Epigram 2012) N PB RM50
  • Switch On, Switch Off: Mass Media Audiences in Malaysia - Newell Grenfell (Oxford University Press, 1979 ISBN: 0195804074) VG LB HB  RM100
  • Tainted Glory - Ho Thean Fook (University of Malaya Press, 2000 ISBN:9789831000724) F PB RM40
  • Tales from the South China Seas - Charles Allen (ed) (Futura, 1984) G PB RM40
  • Tangerine - Colin Cheong (SNP International Publishing, 2005) VG PB RM20  
  • The British Acquisition of Siamese Malaya (1896-1909) - Tom Marks (White Lotus, 1997)
  • The Adventures of Holden Heng - Robert Yeo (Epigram, 2011) N PB RM50
  • The Art of Robert Frost - Tim Kendall (Yale University Press, 2012) N HB DJ RM140
  • The Best of Kirpal Singh - (Epigram, 2012) N PB RM60
  • The Diary of Amos Lee: Girls, Guts and Glory - Adeline Foo (Epigram, 2010) RM30
  • The Diary of Amos Lee: Your DIY Toilet Diary to Fame - Adeline Foo (Epigram, 2012) RM30 
  • The Diary of Amos Lee:  I'm Twelve, I'm Tough, I Tweet - Adeline Foo (Epigram, 2011) RM30
  • The Downfall of the Gods - Hugh Clifford (EP Dutton & Co, 1911) EL G HB RM120  
  • The Field-Book of a Jungle-Wallah - Charles Hose (Oxford University Press, 1986) F PB RM60
  • The Fifth Impossibility: Essays on Exile and Language - Norman Manea (Yale University Press, 2012) N PB RM60
  • The Great Charles Dickens Scandal - Michael Slater (Yale University Press, 2012) N HB DJ RM120
  • The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World - Iain McGilchrist (Yale University Press, 2012) N PB RM100
  • The Ocean of Ambition - Koh Buck Song (SNP International Publishing, 2003 ISBN: 9789812480200)N PB RM30  
  • The Planter's Bungalow: A Journey Down the Malay Peninsula - Peter and Waveney Jenkins (Editions Didier Millet, 2012 reprint ISBN: 9789814217316) N HB DJ RM150/RM130
  • The Portuguese and the Straits of Melaka 1575-1619 - Paulo Jorge de Sousa Pinto (Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society and NUS Press, 2012) N PB RM60
  • The Ramayana Tradition in Southeast Asia - Singaravelu Sachithanantham (University of Malaya Press, 2004 ISBN:9789831002346) N PB RM50
  • The Short Stories and Plays of S Rajaratnam (Epigram, 2011) N HB DJ RM70
  • The Straits Chinese House: Domestic Life and Traditions - Peter Lee & Jennifer Chen N PB RM200
  • The Sword Has Two Edges: An Original Play - Li Lien Fung (SNP International, 2004) N PB RM40
  • The Writer's Workbook - Jenny Newman & Others (Arnold Publishers, 2004 ISBN: 9780340809655) N PB RM70 
  • Theory of Literature - Paul Fry (Yale University Press, 2012) N PB RM70
  • Three Sisters of Sze - Tan Kok Seng (Epigram, 2012) RM50
  • Those Who Can't, Teach - Haresh Sharma (Epigram, 2010) N PB RM40
  • Trade and Society in the Straits of Melaka: Dutch Melaka and English Penang, 1780-1830 - Nordin Hussin (National University of Singapore Press, 2009 ISBN: 9789971693541) N PB RM60  
  • Treason - Hedi Kaddour (Yale University Press, 2012) N PB  RM70
  • Under Chartered Company Rule: North Borneo 1881-1946 - KG Tregonning (University of Malaya Press, 1959) EL VG HB  RM140
  • Varieties of English in Southeast Asia and Beyond - Azirah Hashim & Norizah Hassan (eds) (University of Malaya Press, 2006 ISBN:9789831003183) N PB RM40
  • Victorious Wives: The Disguised Woman in the 19th Malay Syair - Mulaika Hijjas (National University of Singapore Press and The Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 2011 ISBN: 9789971695262) RM70  
  • Weapons of the Weak: Everyday Forms of Peasant Resistance - James C Scott (Yale University Press & University of Malaya Press, 1985 ISBN:030003362) VG PB RM40
  • William Shellabear: A Biography - Robert Hunt (University of Malaya Press, 1996 ISBN:9789679940923) NF PB RM50
  • Women in Small Scale Fisheries in Malaysia - Jahara Yahya (University of Malaya Press, 1994 ISBN:9789679940732) F PB RM40
  • Writing Singapore: An Historical Anthology of Singapore Literature  - Angelia Poon & Others (NUS Press, 2009) N PB RM120
  • Wu Zetian: The Mighty Woman Sovereign of China - Gong Lizeng &Yang Aiwen (trans) (Asiapac Publication, 1997 ISBN: ISBN 9813068507) NF PB RM30