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Monday, 26 November 2012

Help! Photos of Pre-1942 Sabah Needed!

Looking for Fun Photos!
North Borneo

The Penang Bookshelf not only counts readers amongst its customers and followers, but authors as well. One of them has asked for a bit of help with his next book. What’s it about? Photography in North Borneo before World War II. A bit of a musty subject, you may think. All those grainy black and white pictures of forgotten people and places who’ve changed.

Well it doesn’t have to be so. The author has just completed a book on the work of Funk & Sons, a photographic studio in Sandakan before World War II. The book’s due to be published later this year and will be available at The Penang Bookshelf. Funk was a master at producing photographs  that still inspire. The next book will take in a broader range of photographers operating in the area which is now Sabah. They had studios in Jessleton (now Kota Kinabalu), Sandakan and elsewhere The author has a good collection of photos for this second book, but he’s looking for more.

He’s particularly looking lively  photographs that aren't quite as sedate as these two examples. He's looking for something with movement, particularly with people as subjects. They could be post cards in collections or in family photo albums. Do you think you could help? If so please contact The Penang Bookshelf


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