New Arrivals at The Penang Bookshelf
February 2019
(Last Updated 27-2-19)
Colonial Townships in Sabah: Kudat and Its Northern Settlements - Richard Nelson Sokial RM200
This book sets out to capture the fascinating early colonial architectural of the Kudat district in Sabah some of which has already disappeared or may well do so due to the ravages of World War II and 'development. The simple architectural shop houses and buildings were built an area which was one of the first in the state to be settled by Chinese immigrants. New Hardback First Edition 100 pages For further details, please see the scanned contents page.
Penans, The Vanishing Nomads of Borneo - Dennis Lau RM150
A photographic essay by one of Sarawak's best known photographers with the elusive Penan tribe as his subject. There is a brief five page introduction about the tribe followed by a wide selection of black and white photographs. Very Good Hardback in a Very Good Dust Jacket. First Edition, 99 pages. 0.9 kg
Politics and Local Government in Sarawak - Faisal S Hazis & Stanley Bye Kadam Kiai (eds) RM50
Whereas politics in Malaysia has often been governed by racial alignments since the moment its citizens were allowed to vote, Sarawak has the added ingredient of inter and intra tribal rivalry. In this book the contributors provide a comprehensive introduction to politics at the state level. They also consider the workings of the Bintulu Development Authority, a modified local government body for the area. New Paperback. First Edition. 298 pages with an index
Views of British North Borneo with a Brief History of the Colony - The British North Borneo Company RM2000
This was published as a puff piece by the The British North Borneo Company in 1899. Through photographs and statistics the book trumpets the Company's success in establishing itself and expanding its influence in a little more than a decade before this book was published. Good Hardback. First Edition. 61 pages with numerous black and white photographs, a couple of tables and two coloured maps. For further details, please see the scanned contents page.
Perched on Kent Ridge since the 1980s is Singapore's leading educational institution, the National University of Singapore. This book is not so much a history of the university, but a teasing out of various aspects of its character - the changing landscape, the fauna and flora of the area and its history before it became a campus. The book concludes with a description of the construction of the university on its new site. 316 pages. For further details, please see the scanned contents page. New Paperback. First edition
A Flash of Water - Chan Ling Yap RM50
This is the second novel in the author's quartet that follows the life of Li Ling as she leaves China to avoid becoming a warlord's concubine. When she reaches Malaya, she unhappily becomes a rich man's second wife, but rescue is at hand. Near Fine Paperback 377 pages.
A Town Like Alice - Nevil Shute RM50
Nevil Shute's classic war story of danger, suffering, cameraderie and romance set in Malaya during World War II and in the Australian Outback. Very Good Paperback Reprint 352 pages
A History of Malaya - J. Kennedy RM50
For many years this was the standard text book on Malaysian history and could still be said to be as good a place to start as any. However, like too many books of this period, it takes history as beginning around about 1400 AD. In the preface the author puts up a bit of a weak defence as to why he didn't start this history earlier. Good Paperback. Reprint of the 1964 edition 311 pages
Malaya and Its History - Richard O Winstedt RM90
This is a brief 162 page introduction to Malaya's history by one of the foremost British scholars on Malaya in the first part of the 20th century, Chapters include 1 - Malaya, the Land, 2 - The Peoples, 3 - The Hindu Millennium, 4 - Malacca's Century of Malay Rule, 5 - A Famosa, 6 - The Dutch at Malacca, 7 - The Straits Settlements, 8 - Britain and the Malay States, 9 - British Administration, 10 - The Reign of Law, 11 - Trade, monopolized and free, and Finance, 12 - Industries, past and present, 13 - Labour; Health; Education, 14 - Japan's Hour of Triumph, 15 - The Malayan Union and Singapore, 16 - An Independent Malaya and Self Governing Singapore Good Paperback. Seventh Edition
William Farquhar and Singapore: Stepping out from Raffles' Shadow - Nadia H Wright RM70
Brushed aside by the Raffles PR machine and , possibly, the inability of many in Malaysia and Singapore to pronounce his surname correctly, William Farquhar and his legacy have not today matched the high regard in which they were held during his life time. Based on research of the British East India Company records and other contemporary sources, Nadia Wright demonstrates that much of the credit for the establishing of the Singapore settlement that has been attributed to Raffles, more properly belongs to his subordinate, Farquhar. The book covers Farquhar's successful role as Resident and Commandant of Malacca before moving on to Singapore take up the same position in the vital first four years of its rule by the Company. New Paperback. First Edition
British Colonial Rule and the Resistance of the Malay Peasantry - D. M. Nonini RM180
When one reads the works of British scholars of the imperial period describing the history and culture of the Malay community, one does not often gain the impression that the Malay peasantry were anything other than happy with their lot. However during the post independence period much scholarship has sought to bring to light what could be termed as "the people's history" of colonial rule. This work is a significant contribution to that body of scholarship gathering in all the threads of such scholarship so as to gain new insights. 237 pages with chapters on The Precolonial Period, The Emergence of Capitalism 1874 - 1920: Colonial State Expansion and the Peasant Village Community, The Emergence of Capitalism 1874-1920: Peasant Resistance, State Power and Rubber Cultivation, Colonial Capitalism Triumphant, Vicissitudes of Domination: The Japanese Occupation and the Postwar Years & Changes in Malay Villages 1945-1957. There are also Notes, a Bibliography, an Index, a map and three sets of tables New Paperback
Journeys Hazardous: Gurkha Clandestine Operations - Borneo 1965 - Christopher Bullock RM150
The author was in charge of a Gurkha company that specialised in operating deep inside Indonesian territory during the Konfrontasi/Confrontation between Malaysia, supported by Commonwealth forces, and Indonesia. Based on this personal diaries, Bullock recounts with humour and care the difficult nature of these operations, the existence of which were officially denied at the time. New Paperback. Reprint. 182 pages with six maps
The British in Malaya, 1880-1941 - John G Butcher RM330
While literature on colonial Malaya is awash with studies on the three main ethnic groups, Malay, Chinese and Indians, there is very little academic literature on how the colonisers, the British, functioned as a community. Butcher seeks to redress that imbalance by analysing the this group's accepted way of living and their interaction with other communities in the country. Good Hardback in a Good Dust Jacket. First Edition 292 pages with black and white plates, appendices, glossaries, maps, tables and an index.
The Development of British Malaya 1896-1909 - Chai Hon-Chan RM120
In this book the author examines how various aspects of British policy, whether they be constitutional, economic, political, administrative or social, affected the Federated Malay States, i.e. Perak, Selangor, Pahang and Negeri Sembilan. He seeks to show how, when these disparate strands and how they interacted with each other are studied, one acquires a more holistic picture of the foundations of the country known as Malaysia today. Very Good Hardback. First Edition. 364 pages with a bibliography, index and five maps.
The Undeclared War - Harold James & Denis Sheil-Small RM50
An account of the military aspects of the 'Konfrontasi' with Indonesia. The book is written from a British viewpoint and is seen as 'Britain's most vital victory since the Second Word War.' 171 pages Acceptable Paperback. Reprint.
Just in So Many Words - Kee Thuan Chye RM60
A collection of previously published articles by one of Malaysia's better know literary figures. The contributions published here include reviews, travelogues and general musings. 267 pages. Good Paperback. First Edition.
The David Marshall Trials - Alex Josey RM70
Outside Singapore, David Marshall is probably best known as being the city state's first elected Chief Minister. However in Singapore he was equally well known as a leading criminal barrister. Here Josey follows his courtroom career, demonstrating how British law was applicable in Singapore. Near Fine Paperback. Reprint. 252 pages.
The Law & Child Labour in Malaysia: Case Study in a Chinese New Village - See Hoon Peow RM150
One of the byproducts of the Communist insurrection in the 1950s was the creation of 'new villages', mainly for the the Chinese, so that the Government could keep a better eye on them. The remnants of this scheme still exist with Chinese communities living in rural areas, surrounded by people of other races. It was in one such community, near Kuala Lumpur, that the author, a sociologist, carried out extensive research to better understand community practice of and views about child labour. He concludes that the practice may not just be an answer to poverty, but that culture and education also play a part. 168 pages New First Edition. Paperback.
The Problem of Corruption - Syed Hussein Alatas RM50
Alatas' original book, The Sociology of Corruption, was published in 1968, stressing that the integrity of public officials is more important than their efficiency. He advocated for religion, inculcated from childhood, to be an ally in producing such officers of state. Sadly today many countries which mix religion with politics are very often the most corrupt. His original book is reprinted here together with additional research on international corruption published while the author was a research fellow in the United States in the 1980s. What is refreshing about Alatas' approach is that he does not attack the problem waving the red flag of the campaigner, but rather as a concerned academic who tries to see the issue from both sides while making recommendations for the practice to be severely reduced, if not stopped. New Paperback Revised 156 pages. Please see the scan of the contents page for further details
The Rape Report: An Overview of Rape in Malaysia - Alina Rastam (ed) RM120
This book is based on a year long study of how Malaysian institutions treat both victims and perpetrators of rape in the country. Being the first of its kind, it looks at the strengths and weaknesses of various agencies and compares the current system in Malaysia to those that are in place elsewhere. Very Good Paperback. First Edition. 208 pages. For further details, please see the scanned contents page
A combined volume of the World War II expert's three works providing a detailed account of Singapore's role in the Malayan campaign. The works included are - I - Secrets of the Battlebox: The History and Role of Britain's Command HQ During the Malayan Campaign, II - The End of the War: Singapore's Liberation and the Aftermath of the Second World War & III - Kranji: The Commonwealth War Cemetery and the Politics of the Dead. 469 pages with an index. New Paperback. Reprint.
A Naturalist's Guide to the Trees of Southeast Asia - Saw Leng Guan RM60
In this pocket sized handbook the author, the curator of the Penang Botanical Gardens, provides us with a handy quick reference to the myriad varieties of trees, shrubs and palms both endemic and introduced from elsewhere, that are commonly seen in Southeast Asia. 286 species are covered with information on identifying features, distribution, ecology and, uses, if any. Scientific, common and vernacular names and colour photographs are also included. New Paperback. First Edition. 177 pages. For further details, please see the scanned contents page.
Changing Identities of the Southeast Asian Chinese since World War II - Jennifer W. Cushman & Wang Gungwu (eds) RM80
A collection of papers submitted to a conference at the Australian National University. Laying a particular emphasis on the historical aspects of the Chinese Diaspora's changing identities the papers are divided into the following sections -
Transcultural Healing: The Whole Human : Healing Systems under the Influence of Abrahamic Religions, Eastern Religions and Beliefs, Paganism, New Religions, and Mixed Religious Forms - Roland Werner RM300
The author is best known in Malaysia for a series of important works recording healing practices from a range of traditions in the country. In this book he takes a broader view teasing out the common beliefs and practices from a wide range of healers from other parts of Asia, Africa and Latin America. In doing so he hopes to be able to elevate these traditional practices into a complimentary healing tradition alongside Western medical practice. Very Good Paperback. First Edition 430 pages. For further details, please see the scanned contents page.
The Coins and Banknotes of Burma - M Robinson & LA Shaw RM100
Prior to the publishing of this book information on Burmese coins and banknotes had been hard to come by or scattered through various publications. The authors here gather together information from Burma and Arakan from the 16th century to the date of publication. Most of the banknote illustrations are in colour. 160 pages with 14 pages of colour plates. For further details, please see the scanned contents page. Near Fine Paperback. First Edition.
China, the Land and Its People Early Photographs - John Thomson RM60
This is a revised and edited edition of Thomson's 'Illustrations of China and its People', originally published in 1873. He spent ten years in the Far East and the original four volume set is considered by many to be the first photographic travelogue of any kind. His photographs are accompanied by his observations on China and its peoples in the last part of the 19th century. Very Good Hardback in a similar Dust Jacket. 160 pages. For further details, please see the scanned contents page.
The Traditional Art of Chinese Fortune Reading - Peter Shen RM80
A book designed to make Chinese lunar astrology more easily understandable to Western readers. Included are tables to cross-reference Chinese to Western dates, a simplified Chinese chart based on the subject's birthdate and many more useful tools of this art. 188 pages. New Paperback. Second Printing.
The Traditional Art of Chinese Fortune Reading - Peter Shen RM60
Very Good Paperback First Edition
Traditional Appliances and Practices - CG Uragoda RM150
The author, a distinguished member of the medical profession, takes the reader on a last minute tour of practices and equipment that used to be common in Sri Lank,a but which are now fast disappearing. Near Fine Hardback in a Very Good Dust Jacket. First Edition. 228 pages. For further details please see the scanned contents page.
PostScript - Roger Crutchley RM50
A collection of previously published articles by the author in which he describes his amusing adventures during his twelve years as a foreigner in Thailand. Good Paperback. First Edition. 197 pages.
Alana and The Secret Life of Trees at Night: Book One - Keith Hockton RM70
The story of a 10 and a quarter year old girl who has discovered the magical nature of trees. Illustrated by Winnie Cheng. New First Edition Hard back in a New Dust Jacket 44 pages.
This is a list of new arrivals advertised at The Penang Bookshelf for this month. Please note: -
- Each book advertised below includes a brief description of its contents and condition as well as the price in Malaysian Ringgit. If you want a fuller description of a used book's condition, to look at the scanned contents page, if any, and or to find out the price in USD, please click on the link in blue for the relevant book.
- If you click on a link after the current month and find nothing, the book's been sold.
- Of course, if you want to buy anything you see here, you can either do so from the site or contact me at
- This page will be updated constantly until the end of the month.
- The prices shown here hold good for at least this month, but for out of print books, the prices may change in subsequent months.
- All prices include free postage to anywhere in Malaysia.
Malaysia & Singapore - Arts & Crafts
Oriental Silverwork Malay and Chinese - H. Ling Roth SOLD
Penang Artists 1920-1990 - Tan Chee Khuan RM350
The author, the owner of a Penang art gallery, sets out to produce an illustrated directory of selected Penang artists during this period. The selection was based on the artist having been born in Penang, lived on the island for most of her/his life, regularly exhibited locally and the artist's work being of merit in the opinion of the author and others in the art field. The book starts with The Visual Arts of Penang: An Overview followed by the History of the Development of Art in Penang and then examples of each artist's work. The book is divided into two sections on Pioneer Artists and Contemporary Artists. 289 pages. Near Fine Hardback in Near Fine Dust Jacket. First Edition
Penang Artists 1920-1990 - Tan Chee Khuan RM350
The author, the owner of a Penang art gallery, sets out to produce an illustrated directory of selected Penang artists during this period. The selection was based on the artist having been born in Penang, lived on the island for most of her/his life, regularly exhibited locally and the artist's work being of merit in the opinion of the author and others in the art field. The book starts with The Visual Arts of Penang: An Overview followed by the History of the Development of Art in Penang and then examples of each artist's work. The book is divided into two sections on Pioneer Artists and Contemporary Artists. 289 pages. Near Fine Hardback in Near Fine Dust Jacket. First Edition
Malaysia & Singapore - Boats, Fishing & The Sea
Firth, at the time Professor of Anthropology at the University of London, initially produced a detailed study of the fishing industry in Kelantan state just before the Japanese invasion of Malaysia. He revisited his original research area in 1947 and 1963 to produce this updated version of his classic 398 pages and two maps of the area of study, more than 30 black and white plates, a set of 9 appendices at the end of the book, numerous statistical tables and an index Very Good Paperback Reprint of the 1966 revised edition
The Decorated Boats of Kelantan: An Essay on Symbolism - Paul J. Coatalen RM80
This significant work details one aspect of the unique heritage of Kelantan which straddles Malay and Thai cultures, i.e. decorations applied to fishing boats in the state. The book is illustrated throughout with detailed line drawings of the art. 167 pages. Chapters include - 1 - The Boats, 2 - The Decorated Parts, 3 - The Themes, 4 - The Malay Religious System. There are two appendices including one on the geographical distribution of boat decorations, a glossary and a bibliography. Near Fine Paperback. First Edition
The Pirate Wind: Tales of the Sea-Robbers of Malaya - Owen Rutter RM140
This book provides an account of piracy in Malayan seas during the 18th and 19th centuries with accounts of the principal characters disrupting trade at the time. Eventually the pirates' ingenuity was no match for the might of British frigates who after a protracted struggle tamed the seas.A 292-page book including 18 picture illustrations and 5 maps. Very Good Paperback. Reprint.
The Decorated Boats of Kelantan: An Essay on Symbolism - Paul J. Coatalen RM80
This significant work details one aspect of the unique heritage of Kelantan which straddles Malay and Thai cultures, i.e. decorations applied to fishing boats in the state. The book is illustrated throughout with detailed line drawings of the art. 167 pages. Chapters include - 1 - The Boats, 2 - The Decorated Parts, 3 - The Themes, 4 - The Malay Religious System. There are two appendices including one on the geographical distribution of boat decorations, a glossary and a bibliography. Near Fine Paperback. First Edition
The Pirate Wind: Tales of the Sea-Robbers of Malaya - Owen Rutter RM140
This book provides an account of piracy in Malayan seas during the 18th and 19th centuries with accounts of the principal characters disrupting trade at the time. Eventually the pirates' ingenuity was no match for the might of British frigates who after a protracted struggle tamed the seas.A 292-page book including 18 picture illustrations and 5 maps. Very Good Paperback. Reprint.
This book sets out to capture the fascinating early colonial architectural of the Kudat district in Sabah some of which has already disappeared or may well do so due to the ravages of World War II and 'development. The simple architectural shop houses and buildings were built an area which was one of the first in the state to be settled by Chinese immigrants. New Hardback First Edition 100 pages For further details, please see the scanned contents page.
Penans, The Vanishing Nomads of Borneo - Dennis Lau RM150
A photographic essay by one of Sarawak's best known photographers with the elusive Penan tribe as his subject. There is a brief five page introduction about the tribe followed by a wide selection of black and white photographs. Very Good Hardback in a Very Good Dust Jacket. First Edition, 99 pages. 0.9 kg
Politics and Local Government in Sarawak - Faisal S Hazis & Stanley Bye Kadam Kiai (eds) RM50
Whereas politics in Malaysia has often been governed by racial alignments since the moment its citizens were allowed to vote, Sarawak has the added ingredient of inter and intra tribal rivalry. In this book the contributors provide a comprehensive introduction to politics at the state level. They also consider the workings of the Bintulu Development Authority, a modified local government body for the area. New Paperback. First Edition. 298 pages with an index
Views of British North Borneo with a Brief History of the Colony - The British North Borneo Company RM2000
This was published as a puff piece by the The British North Borneo Company in 1899. Through photographs and statistics the book trumpets the Company's success in establishing itself and expanding its influence in a little more than a decade before this book was published. Good Hardback. First Edition. 61 pages with numerous black and white photographs, a couple of tables and two coloured maps. For further details, please see the scanned contents page.
Malaysia & Singapore - Business, Economics & Labour
Strategies of Singapore's Economic Success - Sui Sen Hon RM60
A collection of writings of Hon Sui Sen, one of the world's longest serving Finance Ministers, and the Government's main driver in Singapore's economic success. This new edition has a foreword by Saw Swee Hock. 540 pages including index and list of other titles on economics and policy studies. New Paperback Revised Edition
Towards A Competitive Malaysia: Development Challenges in the 21st Century - M. Bakri Musa RM60
A collection of writings of Hon Sui Sen, one of the world's longest serving Finance Ministers, and the Government's main driver in Singapore's economic success. This new edition has a foreword by Saw Swee Hock. 540 pages including index and list of other titles on economics and policy studies. New Paperback Revised Edition
Towards A Competitive Malaysia: Development Challenges in the 21st Century - M. Bakri Musa RM60
The author, well known for his books and articles on Malaysian issues, here suggests a plan for the revival of the country's economy. Rather than continuing to align itself with ASEAN, where he thinks co-operation is 'ambitious and unattainable', he instead proposes that Malaysia should link itself more closely with Brunei and Indonesia to demonstrate not only how Islam and modernity are compatible, but also to kick start an effective regeneration of these countries' economies. Near Fine Paperback. 465 pages with an index.
The Sea Monkey - Geraldine Kaye RM100
A children's story set in Malaysia about the adventures of Kassim and his sister, Siti, and their pet monkey, Adek. Colour and black and white illustrations by Kay Galsworthy. Very Good Hardback in a Good Dust Jacket. First edition. Unpaginated about 30 pages.
Malaysia & Singapore - Dance, Drama & Music
Beyond the Tea Dance: The Story of Singapore Sixties Music Vol 2 - Joseph C Pereira RM140
In this second volume of Pereira's stunning record of Singapore pop music from the 1960s, he covers the period from 1966 to 1970. The era saw the continued vigorous competition between EMI and Phillips to sign the hottest stars, but also the advent of Singapore's first discotheque, Gina's A Go Go. Very Good Paperback. First Edition 280 pages
Panggung Semar: Aspects of Traditional Malay Theatre - Ghulam-Sarwar Yousof RM150
A collection of articles by arguably Malaysia's leading authority on Malay theatre. The purpose of the book is to introduce the general reader to research on the three principal genres of Malay theatre, i.e. Mak Yong, Wayang Kulit and Bagsawan. There are also articles on Nora Chatri and Wayang Gedek as well as a chapter on Semangat, the Malay concept of soul. 246 pages with a bibliography, glossary and index. Near Fine Paperback. First Edition
Kent Ridge: The Untold Story - Kevin YL Tan (ed) RM80
Malaysia & Singapore - Children's Books
The Sea Monkey - Geraldine Kaye RM100
A children's story set in Malaysia about the adventures of Kassim and his sister, Siti, and their pet monkey, Adek. Colour and black and white illustrations by Kay Galsworthy. Very Good Hardback in a Good Dust Jacket. First edition. Unpaginated about 30 pages.
Malaysia & Singapore - Dance, Drama & Music
Beyond the Tea Dance: The Story of Singapore Sixties Music Vol 2 - Joseph C Pereira RM140
In this second volume of Pereira's stunning record of Singapore pop music from the 1960s, he covers the period from 1966 to 1970. The era saw the continued vigorous competition between EMI and Phillips to sign the hottest stars, but also the advent of Singapore's first discotheque, Gina's A Go Go. Very Good Paperback. First Edition 280 pages
Panggung Semar: Aspects of Traditional Malay Theatre - Ghulam-Sarwar Yousof RM150
A collection of articles by arguably Malaysia's leading authority on Malay theatre. The purpose of the book is to introduce the general reader to research on the three principal genres of Malay theatre, i.e. Mak Yong, Wayang Kulit and Bagsawan. There are also articles on Nora Chatri and Wayang Gedek as well as a chapter on Semangat, the Malay concept of soul. 246 pages with a bibliography, glossary and index. Near Fine Paperback. First Edition
Malaysia & Singapore - Education
Kent Ridge: The Untold Story - Kevin YL Tan (ed) RM80
Perched on Kent Ridge since the 1980s is Singapore's leading educational institution, the National University of Singapore. This book is not so much a history of the university, but a teasing out of various aspects of its character - the changing landscape, the fauna and flora of the area and its history before it became a campus. The book concludes with a description of the construction of the university on its new site. 316 pages. For further details, please see the scanned contents page. New Paperback. First edition
Malaysia & Singapore - Fiction
A Flash of Water - Chan Ling Yap RM50
This is the second novel in the author's quartet that follows the life of Li Ling as she leaves China to avoid becoming a warlord's concubine. When she reaches Malaya, she unhappily becomes a rich man's second wife, but rescue is at hand. Near Fine Paperback 377 pages.
A Town Like Alice - Nevil Shute RM50
Nevil Shute's classic war story of danger, suffering, cameraderie and romance set in Malaya during World War II and in the Australian Outback. Very Good Paperback Reprint 352 pages
Malaysia & Singapore - History
A History of Malaya - J. Kennedy RM50
For many years this was the standard text book on Malaysian history and could still be said to be as good a place to start as any. However, like too many books of this period, it takes history as beginning around about 1400 AD. In the preface the author puts up a bit of a weak defence as to why he didn't start this history earlier. Good Paperback. Reprint of the 1964 edition 311 pages
Malaya and Its History - Richard O Winstedt RM90
This is a brief 162 page introduction to Malaya's history by one of the foremost British scholars on Malaya in the first part of the 20th century, Chapters include 1 - Malaya, the Land, 2 - The Peoples, 3 - The Hindu Millennium, 4 - Malacca's Century of Malay Rule, 5 - A Famosa, 6 - The Dutch at Malacca, 7 - The Straits Settlements, 8 - Britain and the Malay States, 9 - British Administration, 10 - The Reign of Law, 11 - Trade, monopolized and free, and Finance, 12 - Industries, past and present, 13 - Labour; Health; Education, 14 - Japan's Hour of Triumph, 15 - The Malayan Union and Singapore, 16 - An Independent Malaya and Self Governing Singapore Good Paperback. Seventh Edition
Malaysia & Singapore - History (19th Century)
William Farquhar and Singapore: Stepping out from Raffles' Shadow - Nadia H Wright RM70
Brushed aside by the Raffles PR machine and , possibly, the inability of many in Malaysia and Singapore to pronounce his surname correctly, William Farquhar and his legacy have not today matched the high regard in which they were held during his life time. Based on research of the British East India Company records and other contemporary sources, Nadia Wright demonstrates that much of the credit for the establishing of the Singapore settlement that has been attributed to Raffles, more properly belongs to his subordinate, Farquhar. The book covers Farquhar's successful role as Resident and Commandant of Malacca before moving on to Singapore take up the same position in the vital first four years of its rule by the Company. New Paperback. First Edition
Malaysia & Singapore - History (20th Century)
British Colonial Rule and the Resistance of the Malay Peasantry - D. M. Nonini RM180
When one reads the works of British scholars of the imperial period describing the history and culture of the Malay community, one does not often gain the impression that the Malay peasantry were anything other than happy with their lot. However during the post independence period much scholarship has sought to bring to light what could be termed as "the people's history" of colonial rule. This work is a significant contribution to that body of scholarship gathering in all the threads of such scholarship so as to gain new insights. 237 pages with chapters on The Precolonial Period, The Emergence of Capitalism 1874 - 1920: Colonial State Expansion and the Peasant Village Community, The Emergence of Capitalism 1874-1920: Peasant Resistance, State Power and Rubber Cultivation, Colonial Capitalism Triumphant, Vicissitudes of Domination: The Japanese Occupation and the Postwar Years & Changes in Malay Villages 1945-1957. There are also Notes, a Bibliography, an Index, a map and three sets of tables New Paperback
Journeys Hazardous: Gurkha Clandestine Operations - Borneo 1965 - Christopher Bullock RM150
The author was in charge of a Gurkha company that specialised in operating deep inside Indonesian territory during the Konfrontasi/Confrontation between Malaysia, supported by Commonwealth forces, and Indonesia. Based on this personal diaries, Bullock recounts with humour and care the difficult nature of these operations, the existence of which were officially denied at the time. New Paperback. Reprint. 182 pages with six maps
The British in Malaya, 1880-1941 - John G Butcher RM330
While literature on colonial Malaya is awash with studies on the three main ethnic groups, Malay, Chinese and Indians, there is very little academic literature on how the colonisers, the British, functioned as a community. Butcher seeks to redress that imbalance by analysing the this group's accepted way of living and their interaction with other communities in the country. Good Hardback in a Good Dust Jacket. First Edition 292 pages with black and white plates, appendices, glossaries, maps, tables and an index.
The Development of British Malaya 1896-1909 - Chai Hon-Chan RM120
In this book the author examines how various aspects of British policy, whether they be constitutional, economic, political, administrative or social, affected the Federated Malay States, i.e. Perak, Selangor, Pahang and Negeri Sembilan. He seeks to show how, when these disparate strands and how they interacted with each other are studied, one acquires a more holistic picture of the foundations of the country known as Malaysia today. Very Good Hardback. First Edition. 364 pages with a bibliography, index and five maps.
The Undeclared War - Harold James & Denis Sheil-Small RM50
An account of the military aspects of the 'Konfrontasi' with Indonesia. The book is written from a British viewpoint and is seen as 'Britain's most vital victory since the Second Word War.' 171 pages Acceptable Paperback. Reprint.
Malaysia & Singapore - Journalism
Just in So Many Words - Kee Thuan Chye RM60
A collection of previously published articles by one of Malaysia's better know literary figures. The contributions published here include reviews, travelogues and general musings. 267 pages. Good Paperback. First Edition.
Malaysia & Singapore - Language & Linguistics
An Unabridged English-Malay Dictionary - RO Winstedt RM140
The standard work of its time in the Rumi script before the spelling changes. Very Good Hardback in a Good Dust Jacket. Third Enlarged Edition. 437 pages.
The Complete Eh Goondu - Sylvia Toh Paik Choo RM70
The standard work of its time in the Rumi script before the spelling changes. Very Good Hardback in a Good Dust Jacket. Third Enlarged Edition. 437 pages.
The Complete Eh Goondu - Sylvia Toh Paik Choo RM70
This volume contains the original Eh, Goondu! and Lagi Goondu, bestsellers in Singapore since Eh, Goondu! was originally published in 1982. It has been claimed that Eh, Goondu! was the first book written about Singlish, the Singapore patois. 221 pages. New Paperback. Reprint
The New Spelling System for Bahasa Malaysia - Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka RM80
This little booklet is the result of a piece of linguistic co-operation between Malaysia and Indonesia that not only - at last - produced a unified spelling system for both countries' national language, but also marked a significant step of reconciliation between two countries which had been at war with each other less than a decade previously. Until the 1972 spelling reforms the national language's Romanised script, Rumi, had been subject to more than one system, many of which were the products of well meaning and learned men, whose mother tongue was not Malay. Very Good Paperback. First Edition 20 pages. For further details, please see the scanned contents page.
The New Spelling System for Bahasa Malaysia - Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka RM80
This little booklet is the result of a piece of linguistic co-operation between Malaysia and Indonesia that not only - at last - produced a unified spelling system for both countries' national language, but also marked a significant step of reconciliation between two countries which had been at war with each other less than a decade previously. Until the 1972 spelling reforms the national language's Romanised script, Rumi, had been subject to more than one system, many of which were the products of well meaning and learned men, whose mother tongue was not Malay. Very Good Paperback. First Edition 20 pages. For further details, please see the scanned contents page.
Malaysia & Singapore - The Law & Legal Issues
The David Marshall Trials - Alex Josey RM70
Outside Singapore, David Marshall is probably best known as being the city state's first elected Chief Minister. However in Singapore he was equally well known as a leading criminal barrister. Here Josey follows his courtroom career, demonstrating how British law was applicable in Singapore. Near Fine Paperback. Reprint. 252 pages.
The Law & Child Labour in Malaysia: Case Study in a Chinese New Village - See Hoon Peow RM150
One of the byproducts of the Communist insurrection in the 1950s was the creation of 'new villages', mainly for the the Chinese, so that the Government could keep a better eye on them. The remnants of this scheme still exist with Chinese communities living in rural areas, surrounded by people of other races. It was in one such community, near Kuala Lumpur, that the author, a sociologist, carried out extensive research to better understand community practice of and views about child labour. He concludes that the practice may not just be an answer to poverty, but that culture and education also play a part. 168 pages New First Edition. Paperback.
The Problem of Corruption - Syed Hussein Alatas RM50
Alatas' original book, The Sociology of Corruption, was published in 1968, stressing that the integrity of public officials is more important than their efficiency. He advocated for religion, inculcated from childhood, to be an ally in producing such officers of state. Sadly today many countries which mix religion with politics are very often the most corrupt. His original book is reprinted here together with additional research on international corruption published while the author was a research fellow in the United States in the 1980s. What is refreshing about Alatas' approach is that he does not attack the problem waving the red flag of the campaigner, but rather as a concerned academic who tries to see the issue from both sides while making recommendations for the practice to be severely reduced, if not stopped. New Paperback Revised 156 pages. Please see the scan of the contents page for further details
The Rape Report: An Overview of Rape in Malaysia - Alina Rastam (ed) RM120
This book is based on a year long study of how Malaysian institutions treat both victims and perpetrators of rape in the country. Being the first of its kind, it looks at the strengths and weaknesses of various agencies and compares the current system in Malaysia to those that are in place elsewhere. Very Good Paperback. First Edition. 208 pages. For further details, please see the scanned contents page
Malaysia & Singapore - Malay Community & Culture
Winstedt, one of the foremost English scholars in Malay affairs at the end of the British colonial period, demonstrates his learning, in this very readable introduction to Malay culture, as he observed it on the peninsula, rather than in the Malay world as a whole. His broad sweep not only looks at culture in the mid-20th century, but also at its roots in Hinduism, animism and other influences prevalent before the arrival of Islam. In this 221 page book there are chapters on Origins, Migrations and Language, Beliefs and Religion, Social, Political, Legal and Economic Systems, Literature and Arts and Crafts as well as 2 appendices with (a) Malay text of passages cited in the book and (b) Relationships in Negri Sembilan as well as a Bibliography. Please see the scan of the contents page for further details. This is a revised edition, updated by Tham Seong Chee in 1981 Very Good Paperback Reprint
The Malays: A Cultural History - Richard Winstedt SOLD
Very Good Hardback in a Fine Dust Jacket Revised Edition
The Fall of Portuguese Malacca to the Dutch - R Cardon RM50
This is a reprint of a pamphlet, originally published in 1941 on the 300th anniversary of the Portuguese defeat at Malacca, now known as Melaka. The author was a French priest, who spent most of his life in the city, and became an authority on Malacca's history. He pieced together this detailed account from various historical sources to give a succinct, but comprehensive, account of the event. 41 pages with a map and a foreword by Victor Purcell. New Paperback. Reprint.
Common Malayan Butterflies - R Morrell RM70
A handy guide with 20 colour plates and information on butterfly habits and distribution. Very Good Hardback. Reprint 64 pages. For further details, please see the scanned contents page
Handbook to the Ferns of British India, Ceylon and the Malay Peninsula with Supplement - RH Beddome RM300
Beddome's original work, published in 1883, was a digest of other works on the subject with the aim of producing a comprehensive handbook. This revised edition was published following the author's retirement to England which gave him the opportunity to consult collections of ferns at the British Museum, Kew Botanical Gardens and elsewhere. The result was this more comprehensive book. Very Good Hardback. Revised Edition. 500 pages and 102 page supplement with 300 line drawings and an index.
Elephants,Tigers and Tappers:Recollections of a British Rubber Planter in Malaya - Michael Thorp RM60
A young Englishman sets out on his first tour of duty as a rubber planter in an isolated rubber estate in near Kuantan, Pahang. As he says, only "the madness of empire" could have entrusted a twenty year old boy with no real life experience with such responsibility. As Thorp's witty account demonstrates, somehow he managed to muddle through. 221 pages. New Paperback. First Edition
Fraser's Hill and Lewis J Fraser of Singapore - RE Hale RM50
A welcome biography of one of Malaysia and Singapore's early expatriate pioneers. Born in Singapore in 1841, Fraser became a prominent businessman until he was embroiled in a murky financial scandal which saw him sentenced to two years rigorous imprisonment. On release he headed for Pahang on the mainland and re-invented himself as a reasonably successful tin miner. His last mining venture was on the hill that now bears his name Bukit Fraser (Fraser's Hill), which later became a hill station for convalescents and tourists. New Paperback. First Edition. 88 pages with 24 black and white and colour photographs and maps For further details, please see the scanned contents page.
Pahang - Willard C Bush RM200
An exciting, very readable and, probably, exaggerated account of a young American rubber planter in what he describes as 'the largest and probably the most primitive State of the Malay Peninsula." He sets out on his task as "one lone white man with a cane in his hand and a six-gun on his hip among thousands of natives." The story is set in between the two world wars. Good Hardback First Printing 284 pages
Blood on the Golden Sands - Lim Kean Siew SOLD
Jerejak: Penang's Untold Story - Mike Gibby RM100
Pulau Jerejak ( Jerejak Island) probably gets barely a mention, if any at all, in Penang guide books. For residents of the Penang area the island has one immediate association - leprosy. In this book Gibby reveals a more varied and interesting history than most know about - besides being an isolation centre for leprosy sufferers in the past, the island has hosted a shipyard, a prison, a staging post for arrivals and departures from the country and a holiday resort. Thanks to meticulous research from the 19th century onwards, the author brings to life this apparent backwater. New Hardback in a New Dust Jacket. First Edition. 258 pages. For further details, please see the scanned contents page.
Kandaqstan: The Empire of Taste, The Melting Pot of Flavours - Jahabar Sadiq RM80
If you want to pig yourself on the food that Indian Muslims brought to Malaya from the establishment of Penang as a British port onwards, this is the book for you. It is a guide to be the best and not so good Nasi Kandar eateries in Penang. Grease abounding! New Hardback First Edition. 90 pages with lots of colour photographs
Penang Hokkien Dialect for Penangites & Tourists - Tan Choon Hoe RM50
A jokey introduction to the main Chinese dialect spoken in Penang in a somewhat mangled form. It's a phrase book with a guide to pronunciation and a few hints at grammar, but without a vocabulary. Very Good Paperback. First Edition 136 pages. For further details, please see the scanned contents page.
Penang Sketchbook by Chin Kon Yit & Chen Voon Fee RM150
Through both evocative watercolours and line drawings on every page Chin Kon Yit works a marvellous partnership with the author Chen Voon Fee to bring to life both the architectural heritage and the current street life of the rich blend of Chinese, European, Indian and Malay cultures which nurture the roots of Malaysia's second city. 96 pages. Very Good. Hardback in a similar dust jacket. First Edition
Penang Sketchbook by Chin Kon Yit & Chen Voon Fee RM250
Near Fine. Hardback in a similar dust jacket. First Edition
The Armenians of Penang - Nadia H Wright RM50
European colonies worldwide were a magnet for both the enterprising and those who wanted to escape life at home. Families of Armenians, who had a troubled history of disruption, settled in Penang for similar reasons. Although they probably never numbered more than thirty at any time, they left their mark, most notably with the founding of The Eastern & Oriental Hotel. In this booklet Nadia Wright, an authority on the community in Southeast Asia, gives the reader some background to Armenian life in Penang and the more notable members of this forgotten, but significant, minority. New Paperback. First Edition. 78 pages with 63 black and white and colour photographs, tables and maps. For further details, please see the scanned contents page.
A Baba Wedding - Cheo Kim Ban RM60
The Babas and Nyonyas, or Straits Chinese, are the descendants of early Chinese immigrants and their Malay host community. In the course of time their culture has evolved into a heritage distinct from their Chinese and Malay compatriots in Malaysia and Singapore. One of the central feaures of this culture was the wedding which used to take place over several days, but now occasionally takes place in an abbreviated form. This book is the result of of oral and written research by the author so as to reconstruct such weddings through informed text and colour illustrations. Very Good Paperback. Reprint 110 pages.
Chinese Peranakan Heritage in Malaysia and Singapore - Tan Chee Beng RM370
A collection of four essays on the culture of the Peranakan or Straits Chinese, descendants of early Chinese settlers in the Malay Archipelago, who intermarried with their host communities. Over the years they have developed a distinct way of life drawing on elements that were originally Chinese or Malay. Here the author, a noted academic on the community, explores not only the variety within the culture itself, but also its contribution to various aspects of history in the region. First Edition. Very Good Paperback. 78 pages. For further details, please see the scanned contents page.
Peranakan Chinese of Kelantan - Teo Kok Seong RM240
This unique study of assimilation concentrates on a community of mixed Chinese, Malay and Thai ancestry which has been living in Kelantan since at least the 18th century. The author chooses to focus mainly on the community's mother tongue, how it reflects the Chinese Peranakan hybrid nature and how it facilitates interaction with the group's neighbours. Near Fine Hardback in a New Dust Jacket. First Edition. 335 pages. with three maps, some black and white plates, a bibliography and an index.
Persuratan Melayu II : Puisi - AH Edrus (compiler) RM250
Di-asaskan dari kumpulan renchana pendita Dr. Haji Za'ba yang tersiar dalam majallah Qalam dari tahun 1951 hingga tahun 1954 dengan di-sertai pandangan, ulasan dan keterangan. Very Good Hardback in a Very Good Dust Jacket. First Edition 456 pages.
Potret Puisi Melayu Singapura - Isa Kamari (ed) RM100
Buku ini mempamerkan karya-karya 44 penyair, baik yang mapan mahupun yang pelapis. Rentetan sedemikian membolehkan kita melihat perkembangan sastera ini menurut peredaran masa, juga menjejak arah pekembangan itu. Walaupun liputannya meluas sedemikian, Isa Kamari mengingatkan kita buku ini bukanlah merupakan antologi yang berpura-pura lengkap dek keterbatasannya.. New Paperback First Edition. 392 pages
Sebutir Zamrud di Deru Selat: Sajak-Sajak Alam USM - Muhammad Haji Salleh RM50
Muhammad Haji Salleh, one of Malaysia's leading poets, was inspired by the parklands of the campus of Universiti Sains Malaysia during different months of the year for this set of poems in Bahasa Malaysia. With illustrations by Zakaria Ali. New Hardback. First Edition. 101 pages.
The Malays: A Cultural History - Richard Winstedt SOLD
Very Good Hardback in a Fine Dust Jacket Revised Edition
The Fall of Portuguese Malacca to the Dutch - R Cardon RM50
This is a reprint of a pamphlet, originally published in 1941 on the 300th anniversary of the Portuguese defeat at Malacca, now known as Melaka. The author was a French priest, who spent most of his life in the city, and became an authority on Malacca's history. He pieced together this detailed account from various historical sources to give a succinct, but comprehensive, account of the event. 41 pages with a map and a foreword by Victor Purcell. New Paperback. Reprint.
Malaysia & Singapore - Nature & Wildlife
Common Malayan Butterflies - R Morrell RM70
A handy guide with 20 colour plates and information on butterfly habits and distribution. Very Good Hardback. Reprint 64 pages. For further details, please see the scanned contents page
Handbook to the Ferns of British India, Ceylon and the Malay Peninsula with Supplement - RH Beddome RM300
Beddome's original work, published in 1883, was a digest of other works on the subject with the aim of producing a comprehensive handbook. This revised edition was published following the author's retirement to England which gave him the opportunity to consult collections of ferns at the British Museum, Kew Botanical Gardens and elsewhere. The result was this more comprehensive book. Very Good Hardback. Revised Edition. 500 pages and 102 page supplement with 300 line drawings and an index.
Elephants,Tigers and Tappers:Recollections of a British Rubber Planter in Malaya - Michael Thorp RM60
A young Englishman sets out on his first tour of duty as a rubber planter in an isolated rubber estate in near Kuantan, Pahang. As he says, only "the madness of empire" could have entrusted a twenty year old boy with no real life experience with such responsibility. As Thorp's witty account demonstrates, somehow he managed to muddle through. 221 pages. New Paperback. First Edition
Fraser's Hill and Lewis J Fraser of Singapore - RE Hale RM50
A welcome biography of one of Malaysia and Singapore's early expatriate pioneers. Born in Singapore in 1841, Fraser became a prominent businessman until he was embroiled in a murky financial scandal which saw him sentenced to two years rigorous imprisonment. On release he headed for Pahang on the mainland and re-invented himself as a reasonably successful tin miner. His last mining venture was on the hill that now bears his name Bukit Fraser (Fraser's Hill), which later became a hill station for convalescents and tourists. New Paperback. First Edition. 88 pages with 24 black and white and colour photographs and maps For further details, please see the scanned contents page.
Pahang - Willard C Bush RM200
An exciting, very readable and, probably, exaggerated account of a young American rubber planter in what he describes as 'the largest and probably the most primitive State of the Malay Peninsula." He sets out on his task as "one lone white man with a cane in his hand and a six-gun on his hip among thousands of natives." The story is set in between the two world wars. Good Hardback First Printing 284 pages
Blood on the Golden Sands - Lim Kean Siew SOLD
Pulau Jerejak ( Jerejak Island) probably gets barely a mention, if any at all, in Penang guide books. For residents of the Penang area the island has one immediate association - leprosy. In this book Gibby reveals a more varied and interesting history than most know about - besides being an isolation centre for leprosy sufferers in the past, the island has hosted a shipyard, a prison, a staging post for arrivals and departures from the country and a holiday resort. Thanks to meticulous research from the 19th century onwards, the author brings to life this apparent backwater. New Hardback in a New Dust Jacket. First Edition. 258 pages. For further details, please see the scanned contents page.
Kandaqstan: The Empire of Taste, The Melting Pot of Flavours - Jahabar Sadiq RM80
If you want to pig yourself on the food that Indian Muslims brought to Malaya from the establishment of Penang as a British port onwards, this is the book for you. It is a guide to be the best and not so good Nasi Kandar eateries in Penang. Grease abounding! New Hardback First Edition. 90 pages with lots of colour photographs
Penang Hokkien Dialect for Penangites & Tourists - Tan Choon Hoe RM50
A jokey introduction to the main Chinese dialect spoken in Penang in a somewhat mangled form. It's a phrase book with a guide to pronunciation and a few hints at grammar, but without a vocabulary. Very Good Paperback. First Edition 136 pages. For further details, please see the scanned contents page.
Penang Sketchbook by Chin Kon Yit & Chen Voon Fee RM150

Penang Sketchbook by Chin Kon Yit & Chen Voon Fee RM250
Near Fine. Hardback in a similar dust jacket. First Edition
The Armenians of Penang - Nadia H Wright RM50
European colonies worldwide were a magnet for both the enterprising and those who wanted to escape life at home. Families of Armenians, who had a troubled history of disruption, settled in Penang for similar reasons. Although they probably never numbered more than thirty at any time, they left their mark, most notably with the founding of The Eastern & Oriental Hotel. In this booklet Nadia Wright, an authority on the community in Southeast Asia, gives the reader some background to Armenian life in Penang and the more notable members of this forgotten, but significant, minority. New Paperback. First Edition. 78 pages with 63 black and white and colour photographs, tables and maps. For further details, please see the scanned contents page.
Malaysia & Singapore - Peranakan/Straits Chinese
A Baba Wedding - Cheo Kim Ban RM60
The Babas and Nyonyas, or Straits Chinese, are the descendants of early Chinese immigrants and their Malay host community. In the course of time their culture has evolved into a heritage distinct from their Chinese and Malay compatriots in Malaysia and Singapore. One of the central feaures of this culture was the wedding which used to take place over several days, but now occasionally takes place in an abbreviated form. This book is the result of of oral and written research by the author so as to reconstruct such weddings through informed text and colour illustrations. Very Good Paperback. Reprint 110 pages.
Chinese Peranakan Heritage in Malaysia and Singapore - Tan Chee Beng RM370
A collection of four essays on the culture of the Peranakan or Straits Chinese, descendants of early Chinese settlers in the Malay Archipelago, who intermarried with their host communities. Over the years they have developed a distinct way of life drawing on elements that were originally Chinese or Malay. Here the author, a noted academic on the community, explores not only the variety within the culture itself, but also its contribution to various aspects of history in the region. First Edition. Very Good Paperback. 78 pages. For further details, please see the scanned contents page.
Peranakan Chinese of Kelantan - Teo Kok Seong RM240
This unique study of assimilation concentrates on a community of mixed Chinese, Malay and Thai ancestry which has been living in Kelantan since at least the 18th century. The author chooses to focus mainly on the community's mother tongue, how it reflects the Chinese Peranakan hybrid nature and how it facilitates interaction with the group's neighbours. Near Fine Hardback in a New Dust Jacket. First Edition. 335 pages. with three maps, some black and white plates, a bibliography and an index.
Malaysia & Singapore - Poetry
Persuratan Melayu II : Puisi - AH Edrus (compiler) RM250
Di-asaskan dari kumpulan renchana pendita Dr. Haji Za'ba yang tersiar dalam majallah Qalam dari tahun 1951 hingga tahun 1954 dengan di-sertai pandangan, ulasan dan keterangan. Very Good Hardback in a Very Good Dust Jacket. First Edition 456 pages.
Potret Puisi Melayu Singapura - Isa Kamari (ed) RM100
Buku ini mempamerkan karya-karya 44 penyair, baik yang mapan mahupun yang pelapis. Rentetan sedemikian membolehkan kita melihat perkembangan sastera ini menurut peredaran masa, juga menjejak arah pekembangan itu. Walaupun liputannya meluas sedemikian, Isa Kamari mengingatkan kita buku ini bukanlah merupakan antologi yang berpura-pura lengkap dek keterbatasannya.. New Paperback First Edition. 392 pages
Sebutir Zamrud di Deru Selat: Sajak-Sajak Alam USM - Muhammad Haji Salleh RM50
Muhammad Haji Salleh, one of Malaysia's leading poets, was inspired by the parklands of the campus of Universiti Sains Malaysia during different months of the year for this set of poems in Bahasa Malaysia. With illustrations by Zakaria Ali. New Hardback. First Edition. 101 pages.
Malaysia & Singapore - Politics
Diplomatically Speaking: Dispatches from The Best Democracy We Never Had - Dennis J Ignatius RM50
A collection of previously published articles by a senior retired Malaysian diplomat, who takes a trenchant look at the state of his country prior to the upheaval caused by the 2019 general elections. His subjects are wide-ranging and include, amongst others,migrant workers, governance, political personalities, religion and the economy. New Paperback. First Edition. 229 pages.
Malaysia's Parliamentary System: Representative Politics and Policymaking in a Divided Society - Lloyd D Musolf & J Frederick Springer RM80
This book is part of a series examining how parliamentary democracies work in practice. In this case the authors, through interviewing politicians, administrators and constituents assess issues such as how MPs contribute to policy making, if at all, how they represent different racial interests, how politicians are recruited and how they perform in Parliament. 143 pages with tables and an index. Good Hardback.
Malaysian Politics under Mahathir - R. S Milne & Diane K Mauzy RM100
Written by two academics with a long and respected interest in Malaysian politics, this book assesses what they believe to be his major achievements and his weaknesses after nearly two decades of his first period as Malaysia's premier. This study demonstrates how the master of Malaysian politics for so much of his adult life manages to successfully continue to play his game. Near Fine Paperback. First edition. 225 p[ages. For further details, please see the scanned contents page
To Digress A Little - Syed Akbar Ali RM80
A collection of previously published articles by a senior retired Malaysian diplomat, who takes a trenchant look at the state of his country prior to the upheaval caused by the 2019 general elections. His subjects are wide-ranging and include, amongst others,migrant workers, governance, political personalities, religion and the economy. New Paperback. First Edition. 229 pages.
Malaysia's Parliamentary System: Representative Politics and Policymaking in a Divided Society - Lloyd D Musolf & J Frederick Springer RM80
This book is part of a series examining how parliamentary democracies work in practice. In this case the authors, through interviewing politicians, administrators and constituents assess issues such as how MPs contribute to policy making, if at all, how they represent different racial interests, how politicians are recruited and how they perform in Parliament. 143 pages with tables and an index. Good Hardback.
Malaysian Politics under Mahathir - R. S Milne & Diane K Mauzy RM100
Written by two academics with a long and respected interest in Malaysian politics, this book assesses what they believe to be his major achievements and his weaknesses after nearly two decades of his first period as Malaysia's premier. This study demonstrates how the master of Malaysian politics for so much of his adult life manages to successfully continue to play his game. Near Fine Paperback. First edition. 225 p[ages. For further details, please see the scanned contents page
To Digress A Little - Syed Akbar Ali RM80
The author, a businessman and an activist in the United Malays National Organisation, Malaysia's longest ruling party, sets out what he thought was wrong with the country. His main focus is on what he sees as the disastrous effects of allowing those he sees as Muslim extremists to dictate policy. 340 pages with an index. Very Good Paperback. First Edition.
This interesting set of essays and memoranda to the colonial authorities were written between the end of the war and independence by an influential British economist ,long resident in Malaya, to influence his fellow countrymen to do something about encouraging the formation of a multicultural Malaya. While interned by the Japanese, Silcock realised that one of the reasons why the Japanese took the country so quickly was because so few of the non-British inhabitants felt any common identity which could have inspired a more spirited resistance. After the war he was one of the first prominent British residents who sought to refashion Malay so that it was a country which all races could call home. 112 pages. For further details, please see the scanned contents page. Good Hardback First Edition
Growing Up in Trengganu - Awang Goneng RM50
The author, a Malaysian journalist living in London when this book was published, is a self confessed blogger. However he's far from being an introverted blogger as his wide readership testifies. This book brings together amusing, insightful and wistful reminiscences of his early life in Trengganu, now renamed Terengannu in the Bahasa spelling reforms of the 1970s. Good Paperback Reprint. p.p. 336 which include an extensive glossary of Malay words used in the book
Jungle Campaign : A Memoir of National Service in Malaya, 1949-51 - John Scurr RM200
Based on his journals of the time, Scurr records his 'rite of passage' from being an unsporty youth into something more resembling a man in the course of two years as an infantryman in the Malayan Jungle. In the book he demonstrates, sometimes in vivid detail, why he never considered the jungle to be 'neutral,' as Spencer Chapman claimed. Scurr considered the jungle an implacable enemy that favoured only the British Army's opponents. Very Good Hardback in Near Fine Dust Jacket. Reprint 408 pages.
Transformation in Malaya - JB Perry Robinson RM150
This book is mainly a sigh of relief at the success of General Templer's efforts at stemming the Communist insurgency and an optimistic forecast for Malaya's future. In many ways Robinson, a British Government information officer in Malaya, puts the best possible spin on the activities of the colonial government in the years leading up to independence. Very Good Hardback in a Very Good Dust Jacket. 232 pages with a fold out map. For further details, please see the scanned contents page.
Growing Up in Trengganu - Awang Goneng RM50
The author, a Malaysian journalist living in London when this book was published, is a self confessed blogger. However he's far from being an introverted blogger as his wide readership testifies. This book brings together amusing, insightful and wistful reminiscences of his early life in Trengganu, now renamed Terengannu in the Bahasa spelling reforms of the 1970s. Good Paperback Reprint. p.p. 336 which include an extensive glossary of Malay words used in the book
Malaysia & Singapore - The 'Emergency'
Jungle Campaign : A Memoir of National Service in Malaya, 1949-51 - John Scurr RM200
Based on his journals of the time, Scurr records his 'rite of passage' from being an unsporty youth into something more resembling a man in the course of two years as an infantryman in the Malayan Jungle. In the book he demonstrates, sometimes in vivid detail, why he never considered the jungle to be 'neutral,' as Spencer Chapman claimed. Scurr considered the jungle an implacable enemy that favoured only the British Army's opponents. Very Good Hardback in Near Fine Dust Jacket. Reprint 408 pages.
Transformation in Malaya - JB Perry Robinson RM150
This book is mainly a sigh of relief at the success of General Templer's efforts at stemming the Communist insurgency and an optimistic forecast for Malaya's future. In many ways Robinson, a British Government information officer in Malaya, puts the best possible spin on the activities of the colonial government in the years leading up to independence. Very Good Hardback in a Very Good Dust Jacket. 232 pages with a fold out map. For further details, please see the scanned contents page.
Malaysia & Singapore - World War II
From Syonan to Fuji-Go: The Story of the Catholic Settlement of Bahau in WWII Malaya - Fiona Hodgkins RM150
For the first time the author gives a comprehensive account of an under reported series of events during the Japanese occupation of Malaya. At the time of the fall of Singapore several Catholic families, mainly Chinese and Eurasian, fled to Bahau in Negeri Sembilan as a refuge from the upheaval of the war. Through research of written records and conversations with survivors, who included her mother, Hodgkins has managed to piece together an unusual story of this group. New Paperback. First Edition. 266 pages with an index.
Red Jungle - John Cross RM160
This is the story of a small party of British soldiers left behind in the jungle to radio intelligence to the Allies following the Japanese takeover of Malaya in 1942. They worked closely with the Malaysian Communist guerrillas, Orang Asli (indigenous tribes) and other Allied troops until they were picked up by a British submarine shortly before the war ended. Good Hardback in a Very Good Dust Jacket. First Edition 244 pages with a index.
Singapore at War: Secrets from the Fall, Liberation & Aftermath of World War II - Romen Bose RM100
For the first time the author gives a comprehensive account of an under reported series of events during the Japanese occupation of Malaya. At the time of the fall of Singapore several Catholic families, mainly Chinese and Eurasian, fled to Bahau in Negeri Sembilan as a refuge from the upheaval of the war. Through research of written records and conversations with survivors, who included her mother, Hodgkins has managed to piece together an unusual story of this group. New Paperback. First Edition. 266 pages with an index.
Red Jungle - John Cross RM160
This is the story of a small party of British soldiers left behind in the jungle to radio intelligence to the Allies following the Japanese takeover of Malaya in 1942. They worked closely with the Malaysian Communist guerrillas, Orang Asli (indigenous tribes) and other Allied troops until they were picked up by a British submarine shortly before the war ended. Good Hardback in a Very Good Dust Jacket. First Edition 244 pages with a index.
Singapore at War: Secrets from the Fall, Liberation & Aftermath of World War II - Romen Bose RM100
A combined volume of the World War II expert's three works providing a detailed account of Singapore's role in the Malayan campaign. The works included are - I - Secrets of the Battlebox: The History and Role of Britain's Command HQ During the Malayan Campaign, II - The End of the War: Singapore's Liberation and the Aftermath of the Second World War & III - Kranji: The Commonwealth War Cemetery and the Politics of the Dead. 469 pages with an index. New Paperback. Reprint.
A Naturalist's Guide to the Trees of Southeast Asia - Saw Leng Guan RM60
In this pocket sized handbook the author, the curator of the Penang Botanical Gardens, provides us with a handy quick reference to the myriad varieties of trees, shrubs and palms both endemic and introduced from elsewhere, that are commonly seen in Southeast Asia. 286 species are covered with information on identifying features, distribution, ecology and, uses, if any. Scientific, common and vernacular names and colour photographs are also included. New Paperback. First Edition. 177 pages. For further details, please see the scanned contents page.
Changing Identities of the Southeast Asian Chinese since World War II - Jennifer W. Cushman & Wang Gungwu (eds) RM80
A collection of papers submitted to a conference at the Australian National University. Laying a particular emphasis on the historical aspects of the Chinese Diaspora's changing identities the papers are divided into the following sections -
- 1. Literacy and Culture,
- 2 - Politics and Nation Building,
- 3 - Economic Activity and
- 4 - Associations.
- Good Paperback. First Edition 344 pages
A testy response by Al-Attas to an article by GWJ Drewes on the work of a 17th century Indian Islamic scholar who settled in Aceh. Very Good Paperback. First Edition 123 pages
A collection of previously published articles by a US reporter in Asia. Newman makes a point of getting out of the cities to try and find 'real people.' The result is a discovery of a humanity at its best. Fair Paperback. First edition.
Any discussion of the Royal Navy's activities in the Far East in World War II will almost certainly include the disastrous sinking of the Prince of Wales and The Repulse that set the scene for the fall of Singapore in the following year. In this book Boyd argues that the loss of the two ships was an unusual blip in an otherwise very successful performance of Britain's navy during this period. In fact the navy managed to secure the Indian Ocean before the United States had properly entered the Eastern theatre. New Paperback. Reprint. 538 pages. For further details, please see the scanned contents page.
Transcultural Healing: The Whole Human : Healing Systems under the Influence of Abrahamic Religions, Eastern Religions and Beliefs, Paganism, New Religions, and Mixed Religious Forms - Roland Werner RM300
The author is best known in Malaysia for a series of important works recording healing practices from a range of traditions in the country. In this book he takes a broader view teasing out the common beliefs and practices from a wide range of healers from other parts of Asia, Africa and Latin America. In doing so he hopes to be able to elevate these traditional practices into a complimentary healing tradition alongside Western medical practice. Very Good Paperback. First Edition 430 pages. For further details, please see the scanned contents page.
The Coins and Banknotes of Burma - M Robinson & LA Shaw RM100
Prior to the publishing of this book information on Burmese coins and banknotes had been hard to come by or scattered through various publications. The authors here gather together information from Burma and Arakan from the 16th century to the date of publication. Most of the banknote illustrations are in colour. 160 pages with 14 pages of colour plates. For further details, please see the scanned contents page. Near Fine Paperback. First Edition.
China, the Land and Its People Early Photographs - John Thomson RM60
This is a revised and edited edition of Thomson's 'Illustrations of China and its People', originally published in 1873. He spent ten years in the Far East and the original four volume set is considered by many to be the first photographic travelogue of any kind. His photographs are accompanied by his observations on China and its peoples in the last part of the 19th century. Very Good Hardback in a similar Dust Jacket. 160 pages. For further details, please see the scanned contents page.
The Traditional Art of Chinese Fortune Reading - Peter Shen RM80
A book designed to make Chinese lunar astrology more easily understandable to Western readers. Included are tables to cross-reference Chinese to Western dates, a simplified Chinese chart based on the subject's birthdate and many more useful tools of this art. 188 pages. New Paperback. Second Printing.
The Traditional Art of Chinese Fortune Reading - Peter Shen RM60
Sri Lanka
Traditional Appliances and Practices - CG Uragoda RM150
The author, a distinguished member of the medical profession, takes the reader on a last minute tour of practices and equipment that used to be common in Sri Lank,a but which are now fast disappearing. Near Fine Hardback in a Very Good Dust Jacket. First Edition. 228 pages. For further details please see the scanned contents page.
PostScript - Roger Crutchley RM50
A collection of previously published articles by the author in which he describes his amusing adventures during his twelve years as a foreigner in Thailand. Good Paperback. First Edition. 197 pages.
Alana and The Secret Life of Trees at Night: Book One - Keith Hockton RM70
The story of a 10 and a quarter year old girl who has discovered the magical nature of trees. Illustrated by Winnie Cheng. New First Edition Hard back in a New Dust Jacket 44 pages.