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Friday, 12 October 2012

Writing Workshop with Paul Sochaczewski - Monday 15th October at 9.30am

Wake Up Writing Workshop:
Three Tips for Effective Writing
 in Penang
Monday 15th October 
at 9.30am
Meet Paul Sochaczewski

The Penang Bookshelf in conjunction with the Lincoln Resource  Center at the US Embassy  in Kuala Lumpur  and Cape Poetics, a literary NGO will be hosting a writing workshop for Penang residents.The workshop will be led by Paul Sochaczweski, a well regarded novelist, communication specialist and writer on wildlife conservation in Asia.

Paul's been associated with  Malaysia since 1969 when he joined the Peace Corps as an education adviser in Sarawak. Since then the main emphasis of his life has been on raising the profile of wildlife conservation in more than 600 hundred articles and three novels, Redheads, Soul of the Tiger and Sultan and the Mermaid Queen. More recently he's written the inventive An Inordinate Fondness for Beetles: Campfire Conversations With Alfred Russel Wallace On People And Nature Based On Common Travel in The Malay Archipelago which just coincidentally happens to be on offer at The Penang Bookshelf at the moment. To find out much more about this energetic man do visit his website.

Although it's short notice, The Penang Bookshelf is happy to have been able to persuade Paul spend a couple of hours sharing some of his tips for writing..He particularly wants to concentrate on skills for generating intimacy with readers. If you're struggling with writing something at the moment, whether it's factual or fiction, or if you have ambitions to write, come along and see what tips you can pick up.  If you have something you're working on, bring it along so that Paul can work on it with you. The mini-worskhop is aimed at students, budding writers and book lovers.

We will be meeting in a cafe in central George Town at 9.30 am on Monday 15th October. Admission is free and coffee will be provided. Space is limited, so please contact me, William Knox, as soon as possible on 012-972-6485 or by email to secure your place. 

Even if you are not able to come and know of someone who would benefit from a couple of hours with Paul, do publicise this opportunity.


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