Blog Archive

Sunday, 12 June 2011

June Purchases So Far - and Offers!

Here's a list of books I have ordered so far this month. I should receive them in roughly a month of ordering them. If you want to order any of them in advance, please let me know within a calendar month of the purchase date. I have marked the expected sale prices in blue. In some cases I am able to offer discounts if the books are bought within a calendar month of the date when I bought them. In such cases I have marked the prices in red. As usual, contact me at or call or sms me on +60-12-972-6485.

1st June
  1. Malaysia No Problem, Lah: Four Years in Malaysia and Southeast Asia: A Diary - Maria & Richard Yates - RM25
  2. Tenure and Land Dealings in the Malay States - David Wong - RM175/RM300
  3. Fishermen of South Thailand: The Malay Villagers - Thomas M. Fraser - RM40
  4. Malayan Animal Life - MWF Tweedie - RM30
  5. Malaysia and the Original People: A Case Study of the Impact of Development on Indigenous Peoples - Robin Knox Dentan - RM30
  6. Malayan Trilogy - Anthony Burgess - RM25
  7. A Share of the Harvest: Kinship, Property and Social History Among the Malays of Rembau - Michael Peletz - RM30
  8. Islam & The Malay-Indonesian World: Transmission and Responses - Peter G. Riddell
  9. Seeing Malaysia My Way: A Collection of Personal Essays - M. Bakri Musa - RM45/RM60
  10. Formation of Malaysia: A New Factor in World Politics: An Analytical History and Assessment of the Prospects of the Newest State in Southeast Asia - Willard Anderson Hanna - RM45
    5th June
    1. Song of Penang - John Carlova - RM50
    2. Handbook of the Malay Language - E.F. Winckel - RM90/RM100 (New)
    3. The Keris and Other Malay Weapons - Gerald B Gardner - RM105/RM120 (New)
    4. Past Particles in Penang - Kate Sanderson - RM80 (New)
    5. Batu Angas - Anne Cluysenaar - RM60 (New)
    6. Annotated Checklist of the Birds of Penang - Kanda Kumar -  RM40 (New)
    7. The Phonology and Morphology of Ulu Muar Malay - Rufus Hendon - RM65 (New)
    8. A Descriptive Dictionary of British Malaya - N.B. Dennys - RM125/RM145 (New)
    9. Chinese Business in the Making of a Malay State, 1882-1941 - Kedah and Penang - An Wu Xiao - RM100/RM115 (New)
    10. Following the Wrong God Home - Catherine Lim - RM30
    11. Women in the World of Southeast Asia - Autumn Libal - RM30
    12. Two Worlds of Islam: Interaction Between Southeast Asia and the Middle East  - Fred R. Von Der Mehden - RM35
    13. An Outcast of the Islands - Joseph Conrad - RM30
    14. Romance Treasury: the Beach of Sweet Returns; To Catch a Butterfly; Heart in the Sunlight - Various Authors - RM30
    15. Southeast Asia's Chinese Minorities - Mary F Somers Heidhues - RM40/RM60
    16. The Pirates Own Book - Charles Ellms - RM30
    17. Man, State, and Society in Contemporary Southeast Asia - Robert O Tilman (ed) - RM35
    18. Sabah: Report for the Year 1963 - Government Press - RM50/RM75
    19. The History of Emigration from China & Southeast Asia - Katherine Prior - RM30
    20. Mundahoi, Borneo witch doctor - Don Roth - RM25
    21. Maritime Southeast Asia to 1500 - LN Shaffer - RM35  
    9th June
  1. Housekeeping Among Malay Peasants - Rosemary Firth - RM90
  2. Report from Malaya - Vernon Bartlett - RM75
  3. The Malays - Anthony Milner - RM110/RM125  (New)
  4. Malay Proverbs - AW Hamilton - RM100/RM110 (New)
  5. Penang - Cecilia Tan - RM95
  6. Tidemarks - HM Tomlinson - RM30
  7. Trapping Wild Animals in Malay Jungles - Charles Mayer - RM55
  8. Malaya: Communist or Free? - Victor Purcell -  RM40
 10th June
Treacherous River: A Study of Rural Chinese in North Malaya - WH Newell - RM100


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